Survey Templates Surveys CH Process Survey

CH Process Survey

CH Process Survey

Dear organic retailer:

Thank you for participating of this survey.

I am marketing student undertaking an academic research entitled: ‘Benchmarking complaints-handling: finding best practices from green retailers’.

The survey will ask questions about complaint handling.

Answering the questionnaire is easy and quick. Most questions need you to simply click on the answer that better reflects your opinion. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

I greatly appreciate your support and in turn, if you would like to receive a summary report, please contact me (see details below)

DATA PROTECTION: Your responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. No personal identifiable information will be asked.

CONTACT: If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact myself, Olivia Rodriguez at 07706 665 353 or by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Best regards,

Olivia Rodriguez
MA Marketing Management Student

Select your job title from the menu below:
How many employees there are in your organisation?
How many organic boxes do you deliver per week?
Is your organisation accredited with a national or international standard certification? (e.g. ISO, ITIL, etc. )
1. How does handling customer dissatisfaction/complaints fit in your organisation? Is the customer always right?
2. What is the process for handling dissatisfaction/complaints in your organisation?
3. Who has ownership of the process?
4. As far as the process of handling complaint is concerned, what is the role of a)top management, b)line manager(s) and c) front-line staff ?
5. Which element(s) would you consider to be key to the complaints handling process in your organisation? What are the best elements of your CH process?
6. What would you say are the benefits of your CH process
7. Are there any problem areas you can identify in your CH process?
8. Are there any opportunity areas you can identify in the way you handle customer complaints?
9. How do you identify areas for CH improvement?
10. How is your policy process to handle customer complaint developed?
11. What are some barriers, if any, that you have encountered in handling complaints? And how have you overcome the barrier(s)?e.g. Staff turnover? Lack of key support? Lack of resources? The process? Communication?
12. What effect(s), if any, have the complaint handling strategy had on your organisation?
13. Is information resulting from complaints used in any way?
14. What is your organisation achieving in relation to the satisfaction of its customers?
15. If you assess your customer perceptions, how do you do it? What element/s is/are taken into account?
16. Do you have a corporate complaints training programme?
17. Do you measure and report CH performance and outcomes?
18. How often do you evaluate your CH process performance?
Please respond 'Yes' or 'No' to the following questions:
Do you have a policy or system for handling dissatisfaction/complaints?
Does it comply with any national/international standard?
Do you have a documented policy on dissatisfaction/complaints handling?
If you comply with a national/international standard, please specify which one:
Customer Service Manager
Sales/Marketing Manager
Other Managers
Customer Service Team
Contact or frontline staff
No-one specially responsible/authorised
All staff
Who deals with complaints in your organisation?
The complaint-handling policy is established by:
Managing the complaint-handling system/process is responsibility of:
Do you communicate your customers how to make a complaint?
If yes, How (Select all that apply)?:
What percentage of your complaints are:
Not Recorded
When a dissatisfaction/complaint comes in, do you acknowledge receipt?
If you acknowledge receipt of dissatisfaction/complaint, specify in which timeframe:
There is not specific timeframe set (please write '0'):
Have you identified the areas that produce the most complaints?
Do you have a recovery process developed for customer complaints?
Do you use complaints as a source for improving processes?
How much do you agree or disagree with the following staments:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
There is an analysis and evaluation of complaints
Complaints are coded
Complaints are classified for analysis (e.g. by incident, type of compliant, etc.)
Do you tell your customers what has happened as a result of their complaint?
Indicate the typical timeframe you acknowledge receipt of dissatisfaction/complaint:
N/A :
Is the complaint handling policy periodically reviewed?
If yes, indicate how often and and/or when is the policy reviewed?
Which of the following features does your complaint handling system have (Select all that apply)?
The complaint handling policy and its requirements are communicated to:
Answer 'Yes' or 'No' to the following questions:
Do contact staff have specific instructions on how to handle/refer complaints?
Do you record the issues complained about?
Do you have a complaint handling instructions manual for staff?
Are oral or other non written complaints recorded?
Are outcomes and responses to complaints recorded?
Do you include inquiries/suggestions and/or commendations in your records?
Are complaints recorded in any system?
Do you have any standard/process in place for the way in which complaints are dealt with?
If yes, what do they cover (Select all that apply)?
If you produce internal reports on dissatisfactions/complaints, do they address any of the following (Select all that apply)? :
Which of your staff receive training (if any) in dissatisfaction/complaint handling (Select all that apply)?
Do you conduct any research into customer/client expectations and/or satisfaction?
Have you audited your dissatisfaction/complaint handling system’s compliance with any British or International standard(s)?

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