Survey Templates Surveys FCAST



Winning in competition makes me feel more powerful as a person.
I do not see my opponents in competition as my enemies.
I do not mind giving credit to someone for doing something that I could have done just as well or better.
It’s a dog eat dog world. If you don’t get the better of others, they will surely get the better of you.
I find myself being competitive even in situations which do not call for competition.
I compete with others even if they are not competing with me.
Success in athletic competition does not make me feel superior to others.
Winning in competition does not give me a greater sense of worth.
When my competitors receive rewards for their accomplishment, I feel envy.
I find myself turning a friendly game or activity into a serious contest or conflict.
I feel really down when I lose in athletic competition.
Gaining praise from others is not an important reason why I enter competitive situations.
I like the challenge of getting someone to like me who is already going with someone else.
I do not view my relationships in competitive terms.
It does not bother me to be passed by someone while I am driving on the roads.
I can’t stand to lose an argument.
In school, I do not feel superior whenever I do better on tests than other students.
I feel no need to get even with a person who criticizes or makes me look bad in front of others.
Losing in competition has little effect on me.
Failure or loss in competition makes me feel less worthy as a person.
People who quit during competition are weak.
Competition inspires me to excel.
I do not try to win arguments with members of my family.
I believe that you can be a nice guy and still win or be successful in competition.
I do not find it difficult to be fully satisfied with my performance in a competitive situation.
I am challenged, but I believe my skills will allow me to meet the challenge.
I make the correct movements without thinking about trying to do so.
I know clearly what I want to do.
It is really clear to me how my performance is going.
My attention is focused entirely on what I am doing.
I have a sense of control over what I am doing.
I am not concerned with what others may be thinking of me.
Time seems to alter (either slows down or speeds up).
I really enjoy the experience.
My abilities match the high challenge of the situation.
Things just seem to be happening automatically.
I had a strong sense of what I want to do.
I am aware how well I am performing.
It is no effort to keep my mind on what is happening.
I feel like I can control what I am doing.
I am not concerned with how others may be evaluating me.
The way time passes seems to be different from normal.
I love the feeling of the performance and want to capture it again.
I feel I am competent enough to meet the high demands of the situation.
I perform automatically, without thinking too much.
I know what I want to achieve.
I have a good idea while I am performing about how well I am doing.
I have total concentration.
I have a feeling of total control.
I am not concerned with how I am presenting myself.
It feels like time goes by quickly.
The experience leaves me feeling great.
The challenge and my skills are at an equally high level.
I do things spontaneously and automatically without having to think.
My goals are clearly defined.
I can tell by the way I am performing how well I am doing.
I am completely focused on the task
I feel in total control of my body.
I am not worried about what others may be thinking of me.
I lose my normal awareness of time.
The experience is extremely rewarding.
I enjoy competition because it gives me a chance to discover my abilities.
Competition does not increase my awareness and understanding of myself and others.
Competition can lead to the formation of friendship with others.
Competition is not a means of motivating me to bring out the best in myself.
I enjoy competition because it tends to bring out the best in me rather than as a means of feeling better than others.
I do not find competition to be a very valuable means of learning about myself and others.
I like competition because it teaches me a lot about myself.
I value competition because it helps me to be the best that I can be
I find competition enjoyable because it lets me express my own potentials and abilities during competition.
Competition does not help me develop my abilities more.
Without the challenge of competition I might never discover that I had certain potentials or abilities.
I enjoy competition because it brings me and my competitors closer together as human beings
I enjoy competition because it helps me to develop me own potentials more fully than if I engaged in these activities alone.
I enjoy competition because it brings me to a higher level of motivation to bring the best out of myself rather than as a means of doing better than others.
Through competition I feel that I am contributing to the well-being of others.
It is sometimes hard for me to go on with my work if I am not encouraged.
I sometimes feel resentful when I don’t get
On a few occasions, I have given up doing something because I thought too little of my ability.
There have been times when I felt like rebelling against people in authority even though I knew they were right.
No matter whom I’m talking to, I’m always a good listener.
There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone.
I’m always willing to admit it when I make a mistake.
I sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forget.
I am always courteous, even to people who are disagreeable.
I have never been irked when people expressed ideas very different from my own.
There have been times when I was quite jealous of the good fortune of others.
I am sometimes irritated by people who ask favors of me.
I have never deliberately said something that hurt someone’s feelings
How frequently do you compete in your sport? Please include training activities if you view them competitively.
Please rate your motivation for involvement in sports on a scale of one to 10.
Please state your most typical race distance
Please state your most recent time for a competition at that distance.
How old were you when you began the sport in which you currently compete?
How old were you when you started competing in your sport?
Please rate your skill level in this sport from 0 to 9 (with zero representing no skills and 9 representing mastery of every skill)
How old are you?
Your gender?
What religion do you most identify with?
If you had to choose only one, with ethnic heritage group do you most identify with?
How many years of schooling have you had?
Primary occupation:

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