Survey Templates Surveys Questionnaire - The Banking Practices & Behaviour

Questionnaire - The Banking Practices & Behaviour

Questionnaire - The Banking Practices & Behaviour of International Students in Ireland 2007-08

International Student Banking Questionnaire
Your views on student banking services
Questionnaire - The Banking Practices & Behaviour

of International Students in Ireland 2007-08

Please answer all questions by indicating your answer in the spaces provided.

Section A: Respondent profile

This section of the questionnaire is designed to provide a profile of the international students who respond to this survey.
Please state your nationality:
Subject of study:
Level of programme:
Host university:
Start date of study in Ireland:
End date of study in Ireland
Tuition fees (per year): €
Maintenance costs per month (accommodation, food, travel etc.): €
How are you funding your studies in Ireland?
Is it likely that you will work full time in Ireland after completion of your studies?
For how long would you expect to work in Ireland?
Section B: Overview of your banking history

This section of the questionnaire is designed to get insights about your banking history.
How many different banks have you had accounts with over your life?
Are you still a customer of the bank that you opened your first account with?
Have you ever closed an account with a bank?
Please give reasons why you closed an account with a bank:
Do you have a bank account in your home country?
Select the type of accounts you have in your home country:
Section C: Your banking in Ireland

This section of the questionnaire investigates your use of Irish banks.
Have you opened an Irish bank account?
Please give the reason(s) why you chose not to open an Irish bank account:
Indicate how important the following services are in enabling you to manage your finances while in Ireland. Select the appropriate number where 5= very important and 1 = unimportant.
Internet banking
Telephone banking
Debit/credit card
Please identify any other banking services that are important in helping you to manage your finances while in Ireland:
Which Irish bank(s) do you have accounts with?
Please indicate the types of Irish bank account you hold:
Please indicate the main reason(s) why you chose to open an Irish account:
While in Ireland, do you use your Irish account or your home country account more frequently?
Indicate how easy it was for you to open an Irish bank account by selecting the appropriate number where 5 = very easy and 1 = very difficult.
Please specify any difficulties you have encountered when opening an Irish bank account:
Indicate how satisfied you are overall with the service you have received from Irish banks by selecting the appropriate number where 5 = very satisfied and 1 = very dissatisfied.
Do you expect to use your Irish bank account after you complete your studies in Ireland?
Section D: Selecting a bank

This section of the questionnaire investigates the criteria you would consider when selecting a bank and the effectiveness of student promotions.
Have you ever opened a bank account specifically to avail of student promotions?
Are you still a customer of that bank? (Note: If you opened more than one account, just refer to the account for which you received what you consider the most substantial offer)
Indicate the extent to which each of the following factors were (or would be) important to you when choosing a bank in your home country by selecting the appropriate number where 5= very important and 1 = unimportant. If a factor had no importance, please circle number one.
Family members have an account with the bank
Recommendations by friends
Bank has a branch on campus
Location of branch and ATMs
Knew the bank staff
Student promotion
Very safe bank
Lower charges/better interest rates than competitors
Other important factors (optional):
Indicate the factors were (or would be) important to you when choosing a bank in Ireland by circling the appropriate number where 5=very important and 1 = unimportant. If a factor had no importance, please circle number one.
Recommended by friends
Bank has a branch on campus
Location of branch and ATMs
Student promotion
Very safe bank
Lower charges/better interest rates than competitors
Other important factors (optional):
Do you know how much is charged for cross-border services (such as foreign currency transactions, international payments etc)?
Section E: Your banking preferences and the role of internet banking

This section deals with your banking preferences and internet banking.
Approximately how often do you go to a bank branch (excluding ATM services)?
How often do you use internet banking?
What internet banking services do you use?
Section F: Specific requirements of international customers

This section of the questionnaire seeks your opinion on how well Irish banks meet the needs of international students.
Please identify any measures you are aware of that Irish banks have taken to meet the specific needs of international customers (cross-border services, documents in different languages, meeting cultural or legal requirements etc.)
Please identify any bad experiences you have had with Irish banks or ways that you think Irish banks can improve their service to meet the needs of international students.

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