Survey Templates University Surveys Campus Climate Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template

Campus Climate Survey Questions + Sample Questionnaire Template

The campus climate survey is created to assess the views of undergraduate and graduate students to reflect on their experiences at the university campus, both overall and as related to diversity and inclusion. The questions covered in the survey template span from campus to classroom experiences, use, and accessibility of student services, interactions with others on campus, and participation in multicultural and other activities. The survey questionnaire also covers student opinions and at the same time implies how the university is dedicated to emphasize and support diversity on campus, and about experiences that have potentially shaped students attitudes about diversity.

If you have further questions about the research or your rights as a participant please contact our survey administrator Mr. ______________________________________________________________
Considering your complete experience with the campus climate of this University, how likely would you be to recommend us to a friend or colleague?0 Very Unlikely to 10 Very Likely
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Are you:
Do you consider yourself:
Are you:
Socioeconomic background: 
Disability status: 
Do you consider yourself to be:
In which year did you first enroll at this University?
What is your current status at this University?
Where are you living while attending this University?
Campus Climate Survey Questions 
Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate at this University?
Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate in your department/division/unit?
Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate in your classes?
 Please rate the overall campus climate on the following dimensions, 
very friendly
Somewhat friendly
Neither friendly nor hostile
Somewhat hostile
Very hostile
Friendly: Hostile
Cooperative: Uncooperative
Improving: Regressing
Welcoming: Not welcoming
Respectful: Disrespectful
I believe the University is 
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Biased based on race
Biased based on ethnicity
Age biased
Biased based on socioeconomic status
Biased based on the position of faculty, administrator, staff, student
Biased based on disabilities
How would you rate the PHYSICAL ACCESSIBILITY on campus for people with physical, learning, psychological, or medical disabilities? 
Very accommodating
Somewhat accommodating
Not very accommodating
Don't Know
Athletic facilities (stadiums, arena, etc.)
Automatic Door Opener
Classroom Buildings
Classroom labs
University housing
Computer labs
Dining Facilities
Health Center
Very accommodating
Somewhat accommodating
Not very accommodating
Don't Know
On-campus transportation/parking
Other campus buildings
Recreational facilities
Studios/Performing Arts Spaces
Walkways and pedestrian paths
In the past 12 months, how often have you been concerned about your physical safety on campus or around?
In the past 12 months, which of the following have you avoided at the University due to fear for your physical safety?
(Check all that apply.)
Considering your experiences over the past 12 months, please indicate your level of agreement with each of the
following statements:
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I feel valued as an individual at the university
I feel I belong at this university
The University has a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
I have considered leaving the University because I felt isolated or unwelcomed.
I am treated with respect at the campus
I feel this university is a place where I could perform up to my full potential.
I have opportunities at the Universities for professional success.
I have found one or more communities or groups where I feel I belong.
There is too much emphasis put on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion here at the campus.
The University provides sufficient programs and resources to foster the success of a diverse faculty.
Strongly Disagree
Neither Agree Nor Disagree
Strongly Agree
I have to work harder than others to be valued equally at the University.
My experience at the University has had a positive influence on my professional growth.
During the past 12 months at the University, how often have you interacted in a meaningful way with people…
Very Often
…whose religious beliefs are different than your own
…whose political opinions are different from your own
…who are immigrants or from an immigrant family
…who are of a different nationality than your own
…who are of a different race or ethnicity than your own
…whose gender is different than your own
…whose sexual orientation is different than your own
…who are from a different social class
…who have physical or other observable disabilities
…who have learning, psychological, or other disabilities that are not readily apparent
Over the past 12 months, how often have YOU experienced discriminatory events at the University because of your:
1-2 times
3 or more times
Ability or disability status
Racial or ethnic identity
Sexual orientation
Gender identity or gender expression
Veteran status
Marital status
National origin
1-2 times
3 or more times
Height or weight
Political orientation
Social class
Do you have any suggestions or comments to improve the campus climate?