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ACRP - 1

Part One - Airport Information
Thank you for taking the time to respond to our survey. Your candid responses will help our research team prepare a better and more useful guidebook to help general aviation airport decision-makers create simple, workable business plans. Based on pre-testing, the survey should take between 7 and 15 minutes, depending on your answers.

Our questions are designed to be clear and straightforward, and should not require you to look up any information about your airport's operations. For instances in which we ask for a numerical response, your best estimate will suffice. Responses will remain confidential and information will be analyzed in the aggregate. No individual or airport will be identifiable in the analysis we present.

For questions for which clarification may be helpful, click on the orange "question mark" icon, and an explanation will appear in an information box. Close the box to continue with the survey.
What is the classification of your airport?
General Aviation and part of NPIAS
General Aviation and not part of NPIAS
In which FAA Region is your airport located?
Which of the following best describes the airport owner?
Is the airport's governing body the same as the airport owner?
No (please describe)
Which of the following best describes your airport's day-to-day management structure?
Airport Manager/Director
FBO/SASO Manager
Airport Commission/Board
Public Works Director
Management Company
Other (please describe)
Are you a member of your airport's day-to-day management team or a member of its governing body?
Governing Body
Other (please describe)
In terms of aircraft operations, please identify your airport’s principal customers (select all that apply)
Commercial (not commercial airlines)
Government (non-military)
Other (please describe)

How many full-time equivalent (FTE) employees does your airport have?
Part Two - Airport Activities
We are interested in operating revenue, operating expenses, and capital funding (for infrastructure improvements) levels at general aviation airports. For each category below, please provide a rough estimate of last year's dollar amount:
Estimated Dollar Amount
Operating Revenue
FBO Revenue (if you operate the FBO)
Operating Expenses
FBO Expenses (if you operate the FBO)
Capital Funding (federal, state, and local funding or grants for infrastructure improvements)
For each category below, please tell us whether the amount from the previous question has increased significantly, increased somewhat, remained about the same, decreased somewhat, or decreased significantly over the previous three (3) years.
Increased Significantly Increased Somewhat Remained the Same Decreased Somewhat Decreased Significantly N/A
Operating Revenue
FBO Revenue (if you operate the FBO)
Operating Expenses
FBO Expenses (if you operate the FBO)
Capital funding (federal, state, and local funding or grants for infrastructure)
Over the previous three (3) years, has your airport generated any new sources of revenue?
Yes (please describe)
Over the previous three (3) years, has your airport generated any new sources of non-operating revenue?
Yes (please describe)
Over the previous three (3) years, has your airport generated any new sources of capital funding (for infrastructure improvements)?
Yes (please describe)
Over the previous three (3) years, has your airport eliminated any operating expenses?
Yes (please describe)
* What is your best estimate as to the percentage of your airport's operating budget that comes from revenue generated by the airport versus the percentage of your airport's operating budget that is provided through operating subsidy? (answer required)
% Generated by the airport
% Received through subsidy
Values must add up to 100
Please give us a numerical estimate for the most recent fiscal year of your airport's total number of aircraft operations, based aircraft, and fuel volumes (in gallons)(answer required)
* Aircraft Operations
* Based Aircraft
* Jet Fuel (gallons)
* Avgas (gallons)
Please tell us whether the amounts from the previous question have increased significantly, increased somewhat, remained about the same, decreased somewhat, or decreased significantly over the last three years.
Increased Significantly Increased Somewhat Remained the Same Decreased Somewhat Decreased Significantly N/A
Aircraft Operations
Based Aircraft
Jet Fuel (Gallons)
Avgas (Gallons)
Part Three - Airport Planning
Does your airport have a Master Plan or Airport Layout Plan (ALP)?
When was the Master Plan or Airport Layout Plan (ALP) completed?
Within the last 12 months
Within the last 3 years
Within the last 5 years
5 years or more
Does your airport have a Strategic Plan (i.e., a visionary, conceptual, and directional plan that defines the future of the airport and identifies long term goals)?
When was the Strategic Plan completed?
Within the last 12 months
Within the last 3 years
Within the last 5 years
5 years or more
Does your airport have a Business Plan (i.e., a tactical management tool that provides a logical and disciplined structure that drives the day-to-day operational and managerial activities of the organization)?
Do you believe a business plan is needed at your airport?
Please identify the reason(s) a business plan is not needed at your airport? (Check all that apply)
Airport activity is limited
Airport activity is not likely to change
We have a Master Plan/ALP and believe it is sufficient
Other (please describe)

* Please identify and rank the reasons your airport does not have a business plan. Rank the reason a “1” if it is the most important reason your airport does not have a business plan and rank the reason a “5” if it is the least important reason.
We do not have the time to develop a business plan
We do not have the personnel (staffing) to develop a business plan
We do not have the expertise (on staff) to develop a business plan
We do not have the resources to develop a business plan
We do not have the funding to develop a business plan
Many airports that do not have formal business plans do have some of the components of a plan. Following is a list of the most common components of an airport business plan. For each component, please check the box if you: (1) have already conducted an analysis in the area identified, (2) have already prepared a plan, and (3) the plan has been/would be useful in operating and managing your airport.You have the ability to check multiple boxes for each component.
Analysis Conducted Plan Prepared Plan Useful
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT)
Mission, Vision, and Values
Public Relations
May we contact you about GA airport business planning/business plans?
When was the Business Plan completed?
Within the last 12 months
WIthin the last 3 years
Within the last 5 years
5 years or more
Following is a list of the most common components of an airport business plan. For each component, please check the box if you: (1) have already conducted an analysis in the area identified, (2) have already prepared a plan, and (3) the plan has been/would be useful in operating and managing your airport. You have the ability to check multiple boxes for each component.
Analysis Conducted Plan Prepared Plan Useful
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT)
Mission, Vision, and Values
Public Relations
Who participated in the development of your airport’s business plan (check all that apply)?
Airport Manager/Director
Airport/FBO/SASO Manager
Airport Commission/Board
Management Company
Operations staff
Properties staff
Risk management/insurance staff
Legal staff (in-house counsel)
Legal (outside counsel)
Chamber of Commerce
Economic Development Corporation/Agency
State Department of Transportation/State Aviation Department
Other (Please Describe)

Who led the business plan development process?
Airport Manager/Director
Airport Commission/Board
Special Committee
Special Task Force
Other (Please describe)
How often do you update the plan?
Every 6 months
Every year
Every 3 years
Every 5 years
Every 10 years
Whenever there are significant changes in the industry, the market, or at the airport
No specific schedule
What has been your overall experience with business planning/business plans?
Please briefly explain your rating
Please identify any resources (i.e., materials – books, guidebooks, periodicals, websites, etc.) that were helpful in the development of your airport’s business plan.
In your opinion, why is it important for a general aviation airport to have a business plan?
Do you believe your airport's business plan is achieving its intended role or purpose?
No (please explain why not)
What challenges, issues, and problems did you/the team encounter when developing and/or implementing your airport’s business plan (and how did you overcome them)?
What advice would you give to other general aviation airports about business planning/business plans?
Do you have experience with general aviation business planning/business plans, whether at your current airport or at another airport, that you would like to share with our research team?
Please give us your name, your airport, your telephone number, and/or your email address. A member of our research team will contact you.
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