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How long in years have you been an actor?
What process/discipline did you study?
How would you describe yourself as an actor?
I always want to be challenged
I know my strengths and stick to them
I want to push boundaries and explore personalities/themes I might not experience in real life
I prefer roles that make me and my audience feel good
I am not happy unless myself and/or my audience are crying before it's all over.
If you were cast in a remake of a film (and assuming it is a GOOD remake) what role would you love to tackle?
Who is your favorite actor/actress?
Who is your favorite film director?
What is your favorite stage play?
What is your favorite film?
What do you feel is your primary strength in performing?
Physical Performance (Action, Fighting)
Music (actually playing a musical instrument)
Tell us in as much detail as possible the worst experience you have had as a performer. It can be something that happened on set or behind the scenes.
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