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Activation Follow up

You have been specially selected to take part in a 5 minute survey based on the previous activation of your GazeTracker software. All responses will remain confidential and secure. Thank you in advance for your valuable insights. Your input will be used to ensure that we continue to meet your needs. We appreciate your trust and look forward to serving you in the future.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Thank You!
What type of research do you do (Select all that apply)?
User Interface
Virtual Reality
Web Page Design/Usability

What percentage of time do you use each stimulus mode?
Image analysis
Video analysis
Application analysis other than web
Web analysis
What type of eye tracking hardware do you own (Select all that apply)?
Head mounted
Low speed (30 Hz or below)
High speed (230 Hz or above)
Long distance/fMRI compatible

How did you first hear about GazeTracker (Select all that apply)?
Your eye tracker vendor
Trade show or conference
Web search
Academic paper

Did not use Very little influence Little influence Some influence Significant influence
How much did the GazeTracker demo software influence your purchasing decision?
Are you currently using GazeTracker?
No, the study we plan on using it for has not started
No, but we plan on using it
No, and we do not plan on using it in the future
How often do you use GazeTracker?
I am not currently using GazeTracker
Once a week or more
Once a month
Once every few months
Once a year
How would you rank GazeTracker on the following:
Very poor Poor Average Above Average Excellent N/A
Experiment design features
Data analysis features
Data visualization features
Ease of use
Technical support by Eyetellect
Technical support by hardware vendor
Level of integration with my eye tracker
How would you rank the factors below when purchasing analysis software:
Very low Low Average Above Average High
Ease of use
Experiment design features
Data analysis features
Data visualization features
Ability to remotely view and control an experiment
Ability to integrate other sensors
Ability to integrate with other stimulus presentation software
Ability to add my own functionality via a software development kit
Vendor recommendation
Free analysis-only software
Very low Low Average Above Average High
Low cost upgrades
Level of integration with my existing eye tracker
Support for different eye trackers with one license
Technical support from Eyetellect
Thorough documentation
Technical support from hardware vendor
What your colleagues are using
What you have used in the past
What is the minimum temporal resolution appropriate for your studies?
1 millisecond
5 milliseconds
10 milliseconds
15 milliseconds
Temporal resolution is not especially important
What do you like about GazeTracker?
Where can GazeTracker improve?
Against it Not recommend it Neutral Recommend it Highly recommend it
Would you recommend GazeTracker to a colleague:
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