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From what aspects did the immersion seminar facilitate your study experience in CUSSW?
Comprehending American culture
Fitting into the master program smoothly
Improving social work skills
Enhancing English skills
Not helpful
Others (specify)

From what aspects did the immersion seminar facilitate your field placement experience?
Comprehending American culture
Understanding the terminologies and basic facts of the agency
Improving social work skills
Enhancing English skills
Not helpful
Others (specify)

What do you think was the best aspect(s) of the immersion seminar?
What aspect(s) of the immersion seminar do you think need improvement?
Which of the following ALP did you attend?
Summer ALP (please answer question 8, 9, 12, and 13)
Fall ALP (please answer question 10, 11, 12 and 13)
Both (please answer question 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13)
Do you think the summer ALP was helpful to your study experience in other classes in CUSSW?
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Seldom helpful
Not helpful at all
Don’t know
Do you think the summer ALP was helpful to your field placement?
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Seldom helpful
Not helpful at all
Don’t know
Do you think the fall ALP was helpful to your study experience in other classes in CUSSW?
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Seldom helpful
Not helpful at all
Don’t know
Do you think the fall ALP was helpful to your field placement?
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Seldom helpful
Not helpful at all
Don’t know
What do you think was the best aspect(s) of the ALP?
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