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1. Please state your marital status:
2. Your Age
3. How often do you travel by airplane for business?
Not that much
1-3 trips per month
4-6 trips per month
7-9 trips per month
10 trips or more per month
4. What is the average length of your stay when you fly?
1-2 days
3-4 days
5 days or longer
5. Do you fly alone?
6. What is your profession?
7. Would you find it enjoyable and beneficial to have a female travel companion to converse with on your flights?
8. Is this a service you would be willing to pay for?
9. What is the MAXIMUM you be willing to spend for this service?
Less than $500 per day, plus travel expenses
$500 per day, plus travel expenses
$1000 per day, plus travel expenses
$1500 per day, plus travel expenses
$2000 per day, plus travel expenses
More than $2000 per day, plus travel expenses
10. Please rank in order of importance (1 being most important), what you would see as important and valuable to you in this travel companion:
She is dependable and on time
She is able to fly anywhere in the United States
Woman is attractive & well groomed
Conversation is intriguing, enjoyable
She is able to engage in one-on-one conversation with me during the flight
She is able to continue conversation post-flight at a meal or business function
Age is similar to mine
Family make-up is similar to mine
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