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This survey is designed to evaluate how well we met the outcomes for our Middle School Math PLC this year. We need this information as part of our annual report to the funder, Silicon Valley Education Foundation and in planning for next year's continued work. Your feedback is very important so thank you in advance for completing the survey
Please indicate which sessions you attended this year.
Attended Did not attend
Please indicate your school
As a result of the Middle School Math PLC’s, I …
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Next Time
1) Am familiar with California Common Core Standards in Math
2) Know how instruction will change when Math Practice Standards are fully implemented
3) Can evaluate standards and assessments based on Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
4) Select or create questions to ask students to increase
5) Depth of Knowledge and align with the Common Core
6) Implement effective strategies to support Common Core learning in mathematics
7) Incorporate strategies for productive student talk and collaboration about important ideas in mathematics
8) Have redesigned at least one lesson to incorporate CC rigor and/or student collaboration.
9) Am aware of the Smarter Balanced assessment types that will be part of the new state assessments in 2014-15.
10) Know where to find CCSS resources to share with colleagues and use in my own practice.
11) Helped develop and facilitate our team’s Action Plans following the PLC sessions.
Tell us how we did at incorporating into our training some of our key beliefs about the characteristics of
High Quality professional development.
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
1) Taught or modeled the value of asking questions and the inquiry process.
2) Helped me to reflect on my practice in relation to best practisces.
3) Fostered the practice of de-privatizing practice (i.e. sharing it openly).
4) Taught me something new.
5) Challenged my thinking.
6) Provided me with information I can and will use.
7) Will help me improve teaching and learning.
8) Strengthened my school’s math PLC and collaboration.
Please give an overall rating for the workshop series
Please take a few minutes to reflect on the impact of your participation in the Middle School Math PLC this year. Describe specific examples or evidence that will help us understand your responses.
What Impact Has participation in this district middle school math PLC had on….
your teaching practice? Give specific examples.
how you work with colleagues from your own school and across the district?
your school’s Math Department? Reflect on meeting agendas, collaboration, communication.
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