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What is your chosen sport?\
a) Water sport
b) Individual sport
c) Team sport
d) Other __________________________
What is your gender?
a) Female
b) Male
What category best describes your age? (as at the 31/12/1013)
a) 12-13
b) 14-15
c) 16-17
d) 18+
How many hours a week do you train?
a) 0-5 hours
b) 5-10 hours
c) 10+ hours
Do you find managing school work with your sporting commitment challenging?
a) No
b) Yes
If you answered YES to question 5, please explain what you find most difficult to manage__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How difficult do you find balancing a social life with your current commitment to sport?
a) Extremely difficult
b) Difficult
c) Easy
d) Not an issue
Circle three negative outcomes that impact on you, due to training and participating in your chosen sport.
a) Physical fatigue
b) Injuries
c) Missing out on social events with friends
d) Becoming behind in school work
e) Early mornings
f) Very time consuming
g) Regularly tired from training or competing/playing
Circle three positive outcomes that impact on you, due to training and participating in your chosen sport.
a) Being physically fit
b) Sharing similar interests and passion with others in the sporting community
c) Traveling
d) Success through your chosen sport
e) Complete enjoyment
f) Sense of accomplishment
g) Distraction and/or relief from a negative situation in your life
Who do you find yourself having a stronger social relationship with as a consequence of your sporting commitment?
a) School/ social peer group
b) Sporting community
c) Family group
d) Other ____________________________
Why do you participate at an elite level?
a) Fitness
b) Social interactions
c) Potential success in the future eg career
d) Enjoyment
e) Parental pressure /family expectations
f) Other_______________________________