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ANA-ANP Customer Feedback - PE

Employee/Customer Feedback - ANA-ANP Performance Excellence 
Exit Survey
Dear ANA and ANP Employees,

This online form is created for the purpose of receiving employee/customer feedback related to Quality, Safety and any other concern or suggestion which can be used to improve the ANA/ANP mission. This feedback may also be used proactively to recommend ways to improve the customer experience.

Regardless of choice whether you provide your contact information or not, the originator’s identity will be protected.
All customer feedback will be maintained with Performance Excellence for quality and audit purposes.

Thank you for taking up time to provide your feedback,

Performance Excellence
ANA/ANP Training and Mentoring Program
Kabul, Afghanistan
Q1. If you would like to be reached, please provide following information. Leave it blank for anonymous. 
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Phone : 
Email Address : 
* Q2. Feedback Category:
Q3. Date when problem identified or observed (If known):
* Q4. Location: (If this feedback is related to Safety, please be specific as possible to facilitate investigation)
Q5. Responsible Party: (If any, department and position title)
* Q6. Feedback Details: (Please provide as much information as possible)
* Q7. Was this issue previously addressed with responsible party or those who involved? If Yes, please indicate when and what was the outcome?
* Q8. What is your recommended solution or suggestion related to this feedback? If nothing, put N/A
The information contained herein is proprietary to DI ANA and ANP Program and may not be disclosed to any third party without approval of Program Manager or PE Manager.
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