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My priorities are based on my business vision, which brings clarity and focus to my goals?
I don't Know how to prioritize with my goals in mind
I have some idea of how to prioritise
I am frequently thrown off course by crisis management
I can sometimes focus well on my goals
I have a clear and highly focussed understanding of the next steps for my business, based on my goals.
I evaluate every area of my business regularly, monitoring my Key Performance Indicators KPI's) so I know what's working.
I don't have any KPI's for my business
I only look at my sales revenue
I evaluate by looking at how much i have in the bank
I look at some KPI's every now and then.
I review my KPI's monthly and during the month systematically to monitor business progress
I set my goals with monthly and quarterly projects and initiatives to achieve my long term vision.
I just wing it.
I just look at the sales revenue
I have a vague idea of what I need to get done on a monthly and quarterly Basis
I work to a plan but only review periodically
I work on a 30 day, 90 day / Annual review cycle with my business adviser to ensure that I am on track to achieve annual goals
I review my business plan, marketing plan and growth plan; updating as necessary in a formal review with my advisors.
I never use a plan
I usually don't finish creating a plan
I have a business plan but don't really use it
I sometimes review my plan
I review my business , marketing and growth plans with my business advisors at least twice a year
When I Create new goals or projects I document my assumptions so I can learn from the reality of what happens
I don't research or document anything
I don't compare my goals to any new data
I don't occasionally review my assumptions against what really happened.
I sometimes record the details behind my decisions
I always document the details so if things change I can adjust and track my progress
Every element of my plan has someone held to be accountable for the action required.
I don't worry about accountability for the plan.
Everyone is accountable and they will figure who has to do what.
I don't use my employee job descriptions when I create the plan.
I sometimes allocate accountability to some employees sometimes
I always allocate responsibility and accountability for each element of my plan
My employees know our goals for the year and what they need to do so that we achieve them.
No my employees do what they are told.
My employees usually don't see past what they are currently working on
My employees have an idea of the business goals but aren't really focussed on the big picture
My employees have a good general idea of our goals and what we need to achieve to reach them.
My employees and I are on the same page as we regularly share goals and plans; everyone is on the same page and excited about the future.
Employees are incentivised to achieve our goals.
My employees have no idea what our goals are
My employees know that reaching our goals mean that they keep their jobs
we sometimes reward employees when we achieve milestones
My employees are rewarded for a job well done and we take the time celebrate and acknowledge reaching goals
When we take on a new project I always establish whether it will take us towards the achievement of our goals.
I take on new projects based on gut feel.
If the new project looks like it will benefit the business we take it on.
After a project is completed I see if it has helped us to achieve our goals.
I estimate and evaluate whether a project will move us towards our goals
All new projects are assessed as to whether they will help us achieve our goals and are monitored as they continue.
What plans will you have in place for 2016
None I'll just wing it
Business Plan or Budget
Business and Marketing Plan
Business, Marketing and Growth Plan in place but no review system.
We want and need a documented Business, Marketing and Growth Plan in place with a system to review it monthly and quarterly.