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Dear respondent,

Thank you for participating in this survey which focuses on your experiences with telecommuting and their resulting effects on your organisational commitment. The data collected will be used solely for the purpose of my dissertation. What follows is a brief explanation of telecommuting and organizational commitment:

"In a telecommuting/teleworking arrangement, the employee works from a home office for either a portion of or all of the work week. He or she maintains a presence in the office electronically via phone, fax, pager and e-mail. Such an employee is called a telecommuter/teleworker.
Organisational commitment refers to the psychological bond that ties the employee to the organisation. This bond defines the degree to which an individual identifies with his or her employer organisation, with its goals, culture and so on."

Please answer all questions to the best of your knowledge. This should take you not more than 10 minutes. All answers, of course, will be kept strictly anonymous and confidential. Thank you so much for your time !

Ruwaydah Bundhoo
Bsc (Hons) Management
University of Mauritius.

Section A: Understanding Building blocks of your work setting
* 1. For how many years have you been working for Oceti Ltd?
Less than 3 months
Between 3 months to 6 months
Between 6 months to 12 months
A little more than 1 year
Nearly 2 years
* 2. For how long do you hope to keep working for Oceti Ltd?
Less than 3 months
Between 3 months to 6 months
At least 1 year
At least 2 years
Between 3 to 5 years
Between 6 to 9 years
More than 10 years
Don’t know
* 3. Which of the following best describes your knowledge of your job?
New to the job and still learning how to do it
Know much of what the job requires, but still need instructions in some areas
Know the job very well and do not need additional instruction.
* 4. Is this your first experience as telecommuter?
5. How satisfied are you with teleworking?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
6. How would you best describe your work hours?

Please choose only ONE out of the four options, then click on the fourth to fill in the blanks for the option you've chosen.
Regular work hours (from ___ to ___)
Scheduled shift work ( ___ hours per day)
Flexible hours ( ___ hours per week)
Other (Please specify ____________________________)
please fill in the corresponding blanks here

7. Please rate to what extent you experience each of the claimed benefits of telecommuting below:
Not at all To some extent To a great extent To a very great extent Completely Not Applicable
Telecommuting makes communication and expression of ideas, opinions, and suggestions easier than face-to-face interaction.
A personalized work environment with no distractions from other employees or office politics makes you more productive and efficient.
Working at home without being directly under the eye of your supervisor gives you a feeling of autonomy and independence.
Telecommuting allows me the flexibility to work during my most productive hours.
You are able to balance your work activities and your personal life when working at home.
Expenses are reduced in terms of travelling, gasoline and dress clothes.
Professional flexibility in terms of working for a number of different employers simultaneously.
My family is supportive of my telecommuting.
8. Please rate to what extent you experience each of the claimed drawbacks of telecommuting below:
Not at all To some extent To a great extent To a very great extent Completely Not Applicable
You experience a feeling of isolation and solitude and do not have a social life.
You experience more personal conflicts when working at home.
You cannot concentrate both on your work and home issues at the same time.
Family members constantly expect you to be available for their demands.
You feel that you are working more hours at home than if you were in a traditional office.
You experience a sort of invasion of private life because your employer expect you to be accessible via email or on the phone at a moment’s notice.
Thank you for completing Section A of this survey. Please click on the following link to proceed with Section B.
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