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Athlete's thoughts on monitoring programs

Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
Now that you have had the chance to try Metrifit, we would like to hear your thoughts about athlete monitoring programs in general.

For instance:
If you are currently using a monitoring program -what about it appeals to you?
If you have stopped using a monitoring program -why didn't it work for you?
What is important to you in an athlete monitoring program and what would encourage you to use one?

This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

This study is being conducted by Deakin University researchers independent of Metrifit. Your responses are confidential and will not be disclosed to Metrifit or published in any identifiable form. Please read the Plain Language Statement for further information. By clicking Continue you are acknowledging that you have read, understood and agree to participate in this study according to the conditions in the Plain Language Statement.
Please enter your email address.

Please ensure you enter the same email address as you did for your baseline survey (the address which received the email for this survey)

* Email Address : 
* What is your date of birth?
A reminder that this survey is about athlete monitoring programs in general. This may be an online program or app, an Excel spreadsheet, handwritten diary or anything else you use to monitor your athletic preparation.

Currently, how essential is using an athlete monitoring program to you?
Not at all essential Neutral Essential
* Are you currently using an athlete monitoring program?
* Please provide details of any athlete monitoring you are currently using. For each measure, provide details on:
  • the name of the measure
  • whether it is online or on paper
  • how long it has been used for.
* How often do you enter data into your athlete monitoring program?
How likely are you to continue to use an athlete monitoring program?
Very unlikely Neutral Very likely
Think about your use of an athlete monitoring program.

How do each of the following correspond to why and how you use an athlete monitoring program?
Does not correspond at all Corresponds moderately Corresponds exactly N/A
* It is required by my coach or sports program
* I feel that I should (because other athletes I look up to do)
* I want to monitor myself
* To record my training
* To record other aspects of my preparation (e.g. sleep, nutrition, recovery) and other events in my life which may affect my training or performance
* To record my wellbeing (e.g. mood, energy level) which may influence my ability to train or perform
* To have a record of my preparation over the long-term
* To evaluate my progress
* To identify potential problems
* To identify where my preparation might have gone wrong if I get sick, injured or am underperforming
Does not correspond at all Corresponds moderately Corresponds exactly N/A
* To better understand myself and how I respond to training
* My coach (and support team) know me well so can interpret what I’m entering
* To help me communicate with my coach about my preparation
* So that my coach (and support team) can decide on the best approach to help me reach my goals
* To combine with other data to get a full picture of my preparation
* To get feedback on my preparation
* To give my coach feedback on my preparation
* To indicate whether or not I need to adjust my training
* To indicate if I need to seek assistance
* To help me (and my coach) plan my training program
* To help me do all I can to reach my athletic goals
* So that I don’t get sick, injured or overtrain
Do you have any other reasons for using a monitoring program?
Do you use a monitoring program in any other way?
Think about what would encourage you to use an athlete monitoring program.

How important are each of the following features of an athlete monitoring program to you?
Not at all important Somewhat important Very important
* Can be completed on a computer
* Can be completed on a smartphone or other portable device
* Can be completed without an internet connection
* Is compatible with my device and operating system
* Other data can be uploaded (e.g. Heart rate, GPS)
* Is visually appealing
* Is quick and easy to navigate
* Can be modified to meet my needs and preferences
* Questions and response options are relevant to me/my sport
* Uses scales that are clearly defined
Not at all important Somewhat important Very important
* Does not take a long time to complete
* Needs to be completed daily
* Needs to be completed at the same time of day
* Allows data to be entered retrospectively
* Automatically flags potential problems
* Allows data to be exported
* Presents data so that progress can be seen
Are there any other features that are important to you in a monitoring program?
Think about what would encourage you to use an athlete monitoring program.

How important are each of the following to support your use of an athlete monitoring program?
Not at all important Somewhat important Extremely important N/A
* It is clearly explained to me why I should use a monitoring program and how the data will be used to help me
* I get feedback on my data
* I started using a monitoring program when I first started seriously participating in my sport
* My coach (and support team) encourage me to use the program and are proactive in using and supporting the monitoring program
* There is one person (coach or support team) who ensures the monitoring program is being used well
* My peers are actively using the same program
* I receive reminders if I haven’t recorded my data
* I am rewarded for using the program well and not punished for anything unfavourable I may record
* The data I enter is secure and I know who has access to my data
Is there anything else that would support your use of a monitoring program?
* If or when you stop using an athlete monitoring program well (i.e. routinely and carefully entering data), what are the most likely reasons for this?

Please rank in order by typing in the numbers 1-8.
1= most likely to stop your use
8 = least likely to stop you use
The monitoring program is poorly designed
The data is not relevant
It takes too long to complete
I don’t use the data
I don’t see any value in using a monitoring program
I don’t get any support from my coach (and support team) for using a monitoring program
I’m worried about how my data may be used
Disengagement from my sport (e.g. end of season, injury, lose interest)
Are there any other reasons why you would stop using a monitoring program well?
Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding athlete monitoring programs?