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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Do you have a dog?
If no to question 1, Would you buy shampoo for a friends dog?
If yes to question 1, Do you have more than one dog?
What size dog(s) do you have or will be shopping for?
(select all that apply)
Small enough to sit on your lap (up to 20 lbs)
Just Right (20-50 lbs)
Large and in charge (50+ lbs)

Please rank (1-4) your preferred method of payment when shopping online.
(1 I want that! to 4 I don't care at all.)
Amazon Check Out
Google Wallet
Pay Pal
Secure Credit Card
Please rank (1-5) The importance for your pet shampoo to be certified organic vs organic.
(1 I want that! to 4 I don't care at all.)
Extremely important
Very important
Moderately important
Slightly important
Not at all important
* Please rank (1-3) how much you are willing to spend on an 8 oz bottle of organic pet shampoo.
(1 That's totally fair what a steal! to 4 You've got to be kidding me.)