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Welcome to the Barlow Family Feud survey! Have fun and enjoy!

Name a popular game played at Thanksgiving.
Name an ingredient in the famous “Barlow favorite sandwich.”
What's a word that describes how you feel after thanksgiving dinner?
What is a memorable talent performed at a Barlow reunion talent show?
What did Frada's grandchildren call her?
Name a family member most likely to go streaking.
What current events do you predict will be the top conversation pieces for the 2013 reunion?
What kind of fashion advice might Bethie have given in her 20’s?
Name an interesting animal a Bob Barlow family member has owned.
What is something you’re thankful for?
Who was always willing to “run an errand” with George?
Name an instrument played by a Barlow.
What are some characters that various Barlows have dressed up as at a reunion?
Name a Barlow whose birthday is around Thanksgiving.
Name something people hide on purpose and can’t remember where they put it.
What is your favorite unconventional place to take a nap?
Name a Barlow most likely to tell their life story to a clerk at the grocery store.
How many t-shirts have been made for Barlow Family reunions?
Name a potato dish, other than mashed.
Name something a Barlow family member might request when asking..."if you do ______, I'll balter at your wedding." *balter, (v.) to dance artlessly, without particular grace or skill but usually with enjoyment. example: Debbie baltered all night at the Barlow dance party.
At the roller rink, how can you identify a nervous skater?
When the zombie apocalypse breaks out, what would be your weapon of choice?
Name a situation that makes people uncomfortable.
What's a common question asked by family members at a Barlow reunion.
How many Barlow children are under the age of 18?
Which Barlow’s vomit ended up in George’s turkey stock at the 1975 Barlow reunion?
Name something people yell at that cannot yell back.
What was your most creative pick-up line?
What is a situation where you should always leave a note?
Name something people postpone doing for as long as possible.
Name a place where you are sometimes bothered by the person behind you.