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If our company could show you how you could potentially save hundreds and maybe even thousands of dollars per year on your taxes and provide you with unlimited consultations with a CPA or Certified Financial Planner to keep you from ever having to make another bad financial decision again, would that be of interest to you?
If our company could show you how you could potentially enhance your credit scores 50-150 points, allowing you to save hundreds and even thousands of dollars in interest, down payments and even car and home owners insurance, and also provide proactive identity theft protection would that be of interest to you?
If our company could show you how you could pay off all of your debts (your mortgage, your car loans, credit cards, personal loans, student loans, every DEBT you pay on a monthly basis) in a third to half of the time, without having to pay anymore than you are paying right now, potentially saving you tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest, would that be of interest to you?
If our company could show you how to take the money you are able to save in interest, down payments, insurance premiums and taxes by using the services we just discussed and invest in real estate or the stock market allowing your money to work for you instead of you working for your money, would that be of interest to you?
5) What would you consider to be a reasonable monthly fee, to have access to a company that has service providers that not only teach you how to accomplish these things, but actually do the work for you? $50-$150, $150-$250, $250 or More
$250 or more
Would you, or do you know of anyone that would like to earn an additional income by referring others to our company giving them access to our financial experts and these types of services?
Would you like to have one of our representatives contact you to give you a complete overview of our company and the services we provide to help you and your family make more money, save more money and create wealth?
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Best Time to call
If you have any questions regarding this survey contact [email protected]
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