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Overall, how well does our website meet your needs?
Extremely well
Very well
Moderately well
Not so well
Not at all well
How easy was it to find what you were looking for on our website?
Extremely easy
Very easy
Moderately easy
Not so easy
Not at all easy
Did it take you more or less time than you expected to find what you were looking for on our website?
A lot less time
A little less time
About what I expected
A little more time
A lot more time
How visually appealing is our website?
Extremely appealing
Very appealing
Moderately appealing
Not so appealing
Not at all appealing
How easy is it to understand the information on our website?
Extremely easy
Very easy
Moderately easy
Not so easy
Not at all easy
How well does our products meet your needs?
Extremely well
Very well
Somewhat well
Not so well
Not at all well
How would you rate the quality of our products?
Very high quality
High quality
Neither high nor low quality
Low quality
Very low quality
How would you rate the value for money of our products?
Above average
Below average
How sufficient is our payment option to you?
Very sufficient
Moderately sufficient
Not so sufficient
Not at all sufficient
How responsive and helpful was our customer service representative?
Extremely helpful
Very helpful
Moderately helpful
Slightly helpful
Not at all helpful
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