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Dear Coach,

Your BIFC board of directors would like your feedback concerning your experiences coaching for BIFC this past season. I know some of you are still in play, but any feedback you have now would be greatly appreciated. We are looking for information on your relationship with our DOC Ian McCallum, TD Phil Avison and the board.

We would like to know what is working well for you, and what needs improving. All your answers are confidential, however the sum total of feedback will be used by VP of Select and Board President during the performance reviews of both our DOC and TD.

Your feedback will help us as we seek to refine those positions, and endeavor to create a positive environment for all our coaching staff. We also want to know how the BIFC board of directors can support a positive envirnoment for all our staff.

Also, feel free to email me directly any of your additional thoughts or comments.

All the best, and Thank you for your time!

Brenda Berry
BIFC President
[email protected]

How long have you been coaching for BIFC
first season one to three seasons more than three seasons more than 5 seasons
As a BIFC coach how would you characterize your relationship with:
Excellent Good Neutral Needs Work Unsatisfactory
The DOC Ian McCallum
The TD Phil Avison
The VP of select Bill Lesko
The President Brenda Berry
Your team manager
How helpful to your development were the following:
Extremely Helpful Helpful Neutral Not Helpful Waste of Time
The clinics offered by BIFC by BIFC staff
Outside coaching education clinics you may have attended - for example NSCAA
Staff meetings
How satisfied are you with the following:
Extremely Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Completely Dissatisfied
BIFC Website
Quality of facilities
Ability to schedule practice times/locations
Quality of players
Quality of competition/ team-league placement
Formation of your teams
Support by your team parents
Please rank (1-6) the following in order of areas of improvement needed by the club: (1 being most to 6 being the least important)
More frequent communication from TD
More frequent communication from DOC
Clear communication with the board on club policies
Better facilities
More competitive teams
More coaching development
How satisfied are you with the following:
Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied
Your rate of pay
Opportunity for advancement
Feedback on your performance from TD
Feedback on your performance from team parents
Please rank (1-7) the following in order of interest to you:
Help in developing your overall coaching skills
Help in developing training session plans
Direct feedback - written and in person from the TD throughout the season
Support in working with parents
Written evaluations/feedback from DOC
Written evaluations/feedback from Parents
Help with game day tactics
We tried to refine the TD role this year offering more mentoring to you as a coach. How helpful were the following:
Extremely Helpful Very Helpful Helpful Somewhat helpful Not at all Helpful
One-on-One conversations
Written feedback
Practice session feedback
Game day feedback
Coaches meetings and clinics
Extremely satisfied Mostly happy Basically ok Could be better Definitely needs improvement
How satisfied are you with your relationship with the DOC
How satisfied are you with your relationship with the TD
How satisfied are you with your relationship with your team parents
How satisfied are you with your own performance this past season
How satisfied are you with your players development this past season
How would you characterize your technical coaching skills
How would you characterize your communication skills
Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is extremely important to us. Also, feel free to email me any further comments or concerns that may not fit well into a survey format. [email protected] All the best, Brenda Berry