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BillFloat CSAT - 2013

BillFloat Customer Survey
Here at BillFloat we like to check in with our BillFloat customers on a regular basis to see how we’re doing. Now we’d like to ask for your honest and candid feedback about your overall experience with BillFloat. This information will help us to improve our products and services to ensure that we’re doing everything we can to meet your needs.

Please take a few minutes to complete our confidential survey and as a reward, you will be entered in a chance to win 1 of 5 $75 Visa gift cards for your participation and honest feedback. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete.

Your honest and candid feedback is appreciated!

(Please note – this survey is best if taken on a computer, iPad or laptop vs. a mobile device)

Thanks for your help!
Team BillFloat

* When was the last time you used BillFloat to pay for a bill?
* On a scale from 1 to 7, 1 being extremely dissatisfied, 7 being extremely satisfied, how would you rate your level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with your overall experience with BillFloat?
7 - Extremely satisfied
4 - Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
1 - Extremely dissatisfied
* On a scale from 1 to 7, 1 being not at all disappointed, 7 being extremely disappointed, how would you feel if you were no longer able to use BillFloat?
7 - Extremely disappointed
4 - Neutral
1 - Not at all Disappointed
* Have you recommended BillFloat to someone in the past?
I don’t remember
* Will you recommend BillFloat to someone in the future?
I don’t know
Please provide a brief explanation of your answers to the questions on this page in the text box below.
On a scale of 1 to 7, 1 being extremely dissatisfied and 7 being extremely satisfied, how would you rate your level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the following products or services offered by BillFloat?
7 - Extremely satisfied 6 5 4 - Neither satisfied or dissatisfied 3 2 1 - Extremely dissatisfied 0 – Not applicable
* Process of sending funds to the biller you requested
* Your ability to get answers from customer support (if applicable)
* Speed of reply from customer support (if applicable)
* Automatic loan repayment process
* Loan application process
On a scale of 1 to 7, 1 being not at all important and 7 being extremely important how would you rate the following BillFloat features?
7 - Extremely important 6 5 4 – Neutral 3 2 1 – Not at all important
* Ability to pay multiple bills at once
* Speed in which payment is made to biller
* Ease of application process
* Bill pay processing fee
* Total cost of the loan (the interest you pay plus the bill pay processing fee)
* Annual interest rate of the loan (APR)
Are there additional products, features or services that you’d like to see BillFloat offer?
When you think of ‘BillFloat’ what adjectives come to mind?
How would you describe BillFloat to someone who hasn’t heard of it in the past?
* What were the top 2 reasons why you decided to give BillFloat a try?
please select your top 2
I read a review about it
I didn’t want to incur an overdraft fee from my bank
I didn’t want my service provider to shut off my service
I didn’t want a late payment to effect my credit score
It was cheaper than other options
I was turned down by other lenders
I read a blog about it
It was highly recommended by someone I trust

How would you compare BillFloat against the following descriptors?
1 - Not at all 2 3 4 - Neutral 5 6 7 - Very
* Trustworthy
* Secure
* Easy to Use
* Convenient
* Reliable
* Affordable
What other companies are similar to BillFloat? please write the company names in the space provided below
* What is your gender?
I’d prefer not to answer
* What is your primary language?
Other (please describe)
* Are you a parent with children currently living with you in the same household?
I’d prefer not to answer
* What is the highest level of education you received?
Some high school
High school diploma
Some college
AA or Junior college degree or Technical training degree
4- year college degree
Graduate school
I’d prefer not to answer
* Are you currently working full-time or part-time?
(if you have multiple jobs do the hours amount to full-time or part-time)
I’m not currently working
I’d prefer not to answer
* What is your approximate household income for this year?
* Which of the following categories best describes the type of work you do?
* May we contact you if we have additional questions? You will be rewarded for your time if you are re-contacted.
Thank you for your participation in our survey. In order to be entered into our sweepstakes you will need to provide us with your contact information.
Note: Your information will not be shared with anyone and will only be used for the purposes of this research project.
First Name : 
Last Name : 
Daytime phone : 
Email Address : 
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