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The Number of Stars below indicate the following performance estimates:
0=Not enough experience/information to evaluate
2=Room for Improvement
4=Often exceeds expectations

I. Vision, Mission and Strategies
A. The ED has worked with the board to develop a clear vision for the organization and understands his or her own leadership role
B. The ED, working with the board, translates the organization’s mission into realistic strategic directives and performance targets
C. The ED works with the board to create an effective process for strategic planning for the organization
D. The ED has a sense of what must change and what must remain the same in order to accomplish the organization’s mission and realize its vision
II. Accomplishment and Management Objectives
A. The ED selects and cultivates qualified senior staff, models effective behaviors and skills, and builds morale among staff and volunteers
B. The ED ensures that there are appropriate systems in place to facilitate the day-to-day operations of the organization in the area of: development of programs, education and outreach, policy development, administrative and operations, and fundraising and resource development
III. Program Management
A. The ED demonstrates substantive knowledge regarding the organization’s programs and services
B. The ED works with the board to develop appropriate policies to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of programs
C. The ED ensures that staff manages these programs effectively
D. The ED recommends new programs and the modification or discontinuance of current programs, as appropriate, to the board
IV. Effectiveness in Fund Raising and Resource Development
A. The ED has a clear understanding of the current and future financial resources needed to realize the organization’s mission
B. The ED is innovative in the creation of partnerships with other agencies that contribute to the organization’s resources
C. The ED guides revenue-generating activities in order to provide adequate income to the organization
V. Fiscal Management
A. The ED is knowledgeable regarding financial planning, budgeting and understands the organization’s overall financial picture
B. The ED presents financial reports to the board on a regular basis and submits on annual budget to the board for review, revision and approval
C. The ED has established a system linking strategic and operational planning with the budgeting process
VI. Operations Management
A. The ED has assured that the organization has in place: sound risk mgt. policies and insurance, accounting, payroll, and cash mgt, systems, appropriate personnel policies, and plans for use of technological systems
B. The ED ensures compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements
VII. The Chief Executive/Board Partnership
A. The ED and the board are clear about the differences between their respective roles
B. The ED has earned respect given a professional by members of the board
C. The ED understands the boundaries of authority delegated by the board and is able to manage the organization effectively within those boundaries
D. The ED raises issues and questions and provides adequate information to the board
VIII. The Board/Staff Relationship
A. The ED has established appropriate systems for dialog and communication between the board and staff to ensure that the board members maintain a good knowledge of the organization
B. The ED and senior staff have built effective working relationships with the officers of the board and committee chairs
IX. External Liaison and Public Image
A. The ED maintains a positive and professional reputation in the local community and is a good ambassador
B. The ED cultivates effective relationships with community and business leaders, public officials, potential funders. other agencies
C. The ED is an articulate and knowledgeable spokesperson
X. Board Perceptions of the Organization
How would you rate the following:
A. Administrative and Operations
B. Program development and operations
C. Financial Management
D. Marketing and public relations
E. Strategic Planning
F. Fund Raising
G. Client Services
H. Overall quality of staff performance
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