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Bunbury Holden New Vehicle Survey

Bunbury Holden New Vehicle Survey
Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Please provide us with your surname:
* Based on your experience to date are you satisfied with your new car?
Completely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
Somewhat unsatisfied
Completely unsatisfied
* Based on your overall experience with Bunbury Holden were you satisfied with us?
Completely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
Somewhat unsatisfied
Completely unsatisfied
* Based on your overall purchase and delivery experience would you recommend this dealership?
Do you have any comments/suggestions regarding your dealership's facilities?
* Who was your salesperson?
Do you have any comments regarding your salesperson?
* Were you introduced at the Service Department?
* Were you satisfied with the cleanliness of the vehicle when it was delivered to you?
Completely satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
Somewhat unsatisfied
Completely unsatisfied
Do you have any further comments/suggestions to improve your delivery experience with Bunbury Holden?
Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.
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