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Dear student,

You are being invited to complete anonymously and on a voluntary basis a questionnaire with nine questions, asking for your opinions on ethical dilemmas and CSR issues. The findings will be mainly used as teaching tools throughout the course - e.g. one statement is "The only purpose of companies is to make profit (and not consider the interests of all stakeholders)" – if you decide to participate you would then need to decide whether you strongly agree with the statement or disagree with the statement. During lectures and seminars it will then be possible to say X% of you have a similar opinion to Friedman (profit maximisation) while Y% tend to agree more with Freeman (stakeholder theory). Another example is linking "utilitarianism" and "action/intention versus outcome" to a question on whether you would sacrifice one person to save five others. Like in the previous example it will then be possible to refer during the theoretical elements of the lectures / seminars to the findings of the questionnaire. At the end of the questionnaire you will be asked for your gender combined with whether you are EU/home or International students - there will be an option 'Prefer not to say'.

While the main purpose of the questionnaire is to use the findings as a teaching tool, i.e. to illustrate ethical theories, the aggregate data might be used for further research purposes in the years to come. Returning the completed questionnaire implies consent to participate and for the data to be used both as a teaching tool as well as for research. Please note that as the data is collected anonymously without unique identifier it will be impossible to destroy/remove individual data from the project once the data has been submitted.

Thank you very much for your time and support.
Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
1. Learning about ethics during my degree is important
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
2. It is the intention (and not the outcome) that decides if an action is right or wrong
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
3. I would not buy from companies and/or invest money in companies who I think are behaving in an inappropriate ethical way or provide ‘unethical products’
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
4.  I would consider sacrificing one person to be able to save five others
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
5. When I give money to charity or do a good deed, ideally I want others to know
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
6. I can understand people who do not pay full taxes or pay for a service/goods if they find a way to avoid paying for a service (e.g. when they are taking a risk hoping nobody will notice)
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
7. A company should focus on making profit (rather than consider the interests of all stakeholders)
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
8. If I were an accountant I would find it acceptable to be asked to find ways to present the company’s results in the best way possible, provided they comply to the applicable local law (even if this means providing misleading information and/or paying taxes in different countries)
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
9. Which of the following applies
UK/EU female
International female
UK/EU male
International male
Prefer not to say
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