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Vision is everything.

We are already building a fresh vision to encourage you as a world changer on campus. We would love your help in answering these questions about you and your experience at EMU. We hope to recognize new opportunities God has put in our lives and be ready to serve him together in September.

Thanks for helping us see campus ministry from your perspective. Your answers are private and will only be used to assist you.

Helping people find their way back to God...Eric, Jessy, and David

What is your name and what excites you about your major?
What other groups are you a part of or interested in joining on campus? What keeps you involved from getting involved there, too?
Where do you work and how many hours each week?
Where do you eat most of your meals and with whom?
Where will you be living next year and with whom?
Describe how you found your way back to God and who most influenced that journey.
Why did you check out His House and what made you want to connect there?
How did you meet 3-4 of your new friends this year?
What makes the relationship with your closest non-Christian friend so significant?
Describe what activities and people a typical weekend includes.