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CrossFit Stumptown Survey 2015
Exit Survey
CrossFit StumpTown wants to provide its members with the best experience possible. At this time, we ask for your feedback so we can examine our approach, make adjustments and ensure all members receive the highest level of assistance and results.

This survey will be anonymous to allow for openness of opinion - please be straightforward and let us know what you really think!
How long have you been a member of CrossFit StumpTown?
What motivates you to do CrossFit?
How does CrossFit StumpTown uniquely match your motivation to train?
What is the best part of your experience with CrossFit StumpTown? (Please select all that apply)
Other members

If you were in charge of buying equipment for the gym, what would your next purchase be?
Do you get the help you need (from coaching and instruction) to meet your fitness needs?
Do you feel comfortable enough to ask specific questions related to form and technique in a class setting?
Do your questions get fully answered by your coach?
Does your coach know when you’re injured/struggling/not making progress?
Do they follow up and help you get back on track?
What is your least favorite part of your experience with CrossFit StumpTown? We really want to know! Please tell us so we can see what’s difficult from a member perspective.
How would you suggest we improve the area(s) noted in your previous response?
Given that the person already had interest in CrossFit, would you recommend CrossFit StumpTown to an acquaintance, friend, or family member?
Is there anything else you want us to know in the interest of continually improving the gym for our members?
*BONUS* We consider our members to be family! Please let us know how we can keep the group engaged and start or maintain traditions to strengthen our connection (competitions, games, events, happy hour, parties, etc.).
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