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CI Radar Tool Survey

CI Radar Tool Survey
We are coming to the end of our trial period with CI Radar and we are evaluating the value of the service to determine if it is worth subscribing to in 2016. Your feedback to this quick survey will help with our evaluation. Thank you for your participation.
Approximately how many times have you accessed the CI Radar Dashboard?
1 to 5 times
6 to 10 times
11 to 15 times
16 to 20 times
20 or more times
Which section(s) of the CI Radar Dashboard have you accessed?
Check all that apply
Industry News
Abbott Medical Optics (real-time) feed

Please rate the following sections based on how helpful the section is, or you believe will be, to your work.
Where 1 is Not Valuable at all and 5 is Very Valuable to you
Not ValuableVery Valuable
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Industry News
Abbott Medical Optics (real-time) feed
Have you signed up for email alerts?
From a scale of 1 to 5, how easy did you find the CI Radar Dashboard to navigate?
Where 1 is Very Difficult and 5 is Very Easy
Very DifficultVery Easy
1 2 3 4 5
Dashboard Navigation:
How would you rate the overall value of the CI Radar tool?
Where 1 is Not Valuable and 5 is Very Valuable
Not ValuableVery Valuable
1 2 3 4 5
Would you recommend we continue our subscription service with CI Radar?
Other Comments/Suggestions:
©2015 Abbott.