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How interested are you in using commercial photography services?
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Somewhat uninterested
Very uninterested
How important are the following features of this proposed service?
Least Important Most Important N/A
Creative input to a project
Personality of photographer
Location of studio
Equipment Used
Available at short-notice
Knowledge of post-production services (e.g. retouching/ print)
Ability to organise models/make-up/food stylists etc...
What would you expect to pay for this service per day if it had all of the above features?
£1200 +
£900 - £1200
£500 - £900
£300 - £500
I would not pay for this service
How likely is it that you would buy this service if it had all of the above features?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
Would you be more or less interested in purchasing this service if it had any of the following attributes?
Much Less Interested Less Interested Neutral More Interested Much More Interested N/A
On-line booking system
On-line secure-access portal to purchased work
Image-retouching/ digital manipulation services
More than one photographer available
Able to provide models, stylists, food stylists etc ... if required.
What additional attributes would you like incorporated into this service?
How often would you expect to use this service?
Once a week
Once a month
Every other month
Once or twice a year
Would not use
If our proposed service were available today, when would you be most likely to buy it?
Within the next month
Between 1 and 3 months from now
Between 4 and 6 months from now
Between 7 months and a year from now
More than a year from now
I'm not interested
What do you currently use as an alternative to our proposed service?
Freelance Photographers
A photography agent
Stock library
In-house studio
I use no service similar to the proposed service
Please provide additional comments about your current service.
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