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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
How satisfied are you with the following aspects?
Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied
* Are you satisfied with the interface and operating performance?
* Are you satisfied with the rules of the photo competition?
* Are you satisfied with the rewards?
* What do you think of the level and quality of competitions’ entries?
* Are you satisfied with the winners’ entries?
* Are you satisfied with the judging procedure?
* What do you think about the display of the competitions’ entries?
The design and display are satisfactory
I wish there were more photos displayed in every screen
I wish all the entries can be sorted based on their themes
* How can Fotor make it easier for your work to be selected for the ‘hot’ section or selected as the winner?
It is already clear how to have your work selected
Clearer instructions on how to win
Fotor should select more ‘winners’and ‘hot’ photos
* What’s your major motivation for participating in the competition?
The prestige of winning
Earning rewards
Competing with other photographers
Sharing my photos
* What do you use to take your competition entries?
Digital Single Lens Reflex (SLR)
Digital camera
* Are you willing to allow Fotor the ability to both display and sell your images for mutual capital gain?
Yes, I am.
No, I’m not.
* When uploading a competition entry, do you want the ability to add titles and descriptions (tags, keywords)?
Add titles only
Add descriptions(tags, keywords) only
Add titles and descriptions
* Would you like Fotor to establish an account rewarding system based on uploads and rewards winning?
I don’t care.
* Do you want the ability to communicate with specific photographers?
I want to follow, ‘like’ or collect the works of photographer.
I don’t want to. Appreciation by browsing is enough.
Do you have any other suggestions or comments? Write it up and we’ll work on it.
We may want to get in touch with you if your answers are interesting or very helpful. Can you leave your email address below so that we can get in touch?
Thanks for your participation. Your suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated.