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Contiki Italy Global FAM

Contiki Italy Global FAM
Exit Survey
Contiki Holidays is the original tour operator for 18-35's.

Now that you are home from your Contiki trip we would love to know what you think of us.The trip you've just come back from was provided for the purposes of helping you understand the Contiki product, helping to you sell more, to share the experience with others...and of course have a great time along the way!

Please place yourself in the eyes of your consumers, people paying the normal tour prices, as your feedback will help us improve the experience for them.We appreciate your honest feedback, and based on your expert opinions, we will do our utmost to make sure we continue to work with you to connect your clients to the best trips and services available. And we hope we can count on you to champion the amazing life-changing Contiki experience.

Team Contiki
1) Please provide your details and which trip you went on
Travel agency:
Trip Name:
2) Please rate the following aspects of your Contiki trip.
Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor
Overall Experience
Accommodation Standard
Included Dinners
Included Activities/Excursions
Trip Manager
Trip Driver
Local Guides (For walking tours)
* 3) What was the most memorable aspect of your trip.
4) Did you find your Contiki experience to be what you expected?
Much better
As expected
Much worse
5) Has your perception of Contiki changed now that you have done a trip? Do you think the Contiki brand is:
Much better than i thought it was
Better than i thought
It hasn't changed my perception
Worse than i thought
Much worse than i thought
6) If the trip has changed your perception of Contiki, what was the one discovery (positive or negative) that changed your perception?
7) Is there anything we can do to improve the FAM trip (example pre tour communications, on the road experience, doing more activities etc)?
8) In your opinion what are Contiki’s unique selling points (the things that separate Contiki product from competitors)
9) Having now experienced a Contiki tour, do you think it will be easier to sell?
Much easier
The same
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