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(Note: Joanna will do a separate report for the EL Grant)
Elementary Cohort Coaching
Middle School Cohort Coaching
High School Teams Coaching
Coaching Director Categorical
Coaching Assistant Supt HR
Coaching Assistant Supt CI and E
1. How many coaching sessions have you had this year to date?
2. How many more do you plan to have during the second semester?
3. What has been the focus of your coaching? (This would come from your coaching plan and any other things you may have added).
4. What has changed as a result of your coaching? What evidence do you have to support this? Are there any specific leadership skills that you would like to note that have been influenced by your coaching?
5. What recommendations would you make for future work with your principal(s) for next year?
6. What positive comment about your coachee(s) would you like included in the mid-year report?