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Creative Culture

Creative Culture Profile
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Creative thoughts and ideas are a valuable way to improve performance by accommodating and innovating change. Their presence is also a clear indication of the quality of the working environment. A person or a group of people who enjoy their work, obtain satisfaction from it and are encouraged to express their ideas freely and openly will tend to be more creative, more productive and feel more secure than when working under constraints and repressions. In turn, because they have the right positive attitude towards their work, problems will be avoided or resolved more easily, new ideas will increase productivity, and so on in a cycle of continuous improvement.

Attitude indicates direction of thoughts (for or against an issue) and strength of feeling (strong, weak, indifferent).
What are the general attitudes towards change score from very unreceptive to receptive?
How willing are people to change their attitudes in situations when they are ‘proved’ to be in the wrong score from ‘not at all’ to ‘quite willing’.
How willing are people to listen to other points of view, even to criticism of their way of doing things? Score from anger and/or resentment to empathy and understanding.
Is change viewed with anxiety, perhaps because it is considered to be a threat to security, benefits or status? Or are proposed changes explained in an understanding and sympathetic way? Score from ‘fearful’ to ‘reassured’.
In a changing situation are people ‘kept in the dark’ or invited to participate by making helpful suggestions? Score from ‘uncertainty’ to ‘full participation’.

Motivation is that which moves a person to action, by the desire to achieve external goals, avoid unpleasant outcomes and/or the urge to satisfy inner needs.
Are people encouraged to use their initiative to find ways how to continuously improve their performance? Score on a scale from ‘no encouragement’ to ‘every encouragement’.
Are new ideas viewed ‘negatively, superficially and emotionally’ or ‘positively, objectively and rationally’?
Must everyone conform to the same inflexible view of how things should be done or are people encouraged to show an independence of mind?
Is the response to changes, innovations and/or ideas one of rejection or acceptance; and if changes are made is there a tendency to go back to how things were before as soon as possible?
On a scale of ‘not at all’ to ‘very much so’, how ready are people to learn from their own and other peoples mistakes and experiences?

Personality is the key to developing creativity through the development of the individual’s personal characteristic
Are people encouraged to express themselves freely, openly and honestly without fear of recrimination?
Is encouragement given to accept personal responsibility for work quality and performance?
Are people valued and treated with respect as individual human beings?
Are people encouraged to test and follow through their ideas with help given when needed?
Are individual efforts fully recognised and rewarded?

Knowledge is the available store of facts and information that can be drawn upon to form opinions, make decisions, resolve problems and take purposeful action
Is there freedom of information, with all reasonable and responsible questions answered?
Is the knowledge needed to work effectively readily available, whether internally or from outside sources?
Are new ideas and new knowledge welcome or is there a resistance to anything ‘not invented here’?
When there are problems is it easy to get the assistance required to solve them?
Are judgements arrived at too quickly or is time taken to try to achieve a consensus?

Method is the way things are done and the skills required to do things in an orderly and systematic way
How difficult/easy is it to break out of the old way of doing things?
How good are the facilities for training and multi-skilling? Is job-sharing encouraged?
When methods are standardised how difficult/easy is it to change the standards to adopt improvements?
Do the methods of working cause unnecessary or overbearing pressures leading to stress? Score negative for high stress.
Are there good systems and methods of working with good communications and feedback between the various work sectors?

Talent is a natural ability or aptitude for achievement or success. All human beings are born multitalented with a potential for achievement in some way. Skills need to be learned to bring out talent.
How good are the facilities for education and personal develop
Is encouragement given and opportunities provided to develop personal organisational skills?
Is encouragement given and opportunities provided to develop personal communication and relationship skills?
Is there a ‘blame-free’ environment that is tolerant of risk-taking when trying out new ideas and methods?
Is there a good team spirit that welcomes new ideas from everyone and is continually looking for ways to improve?

Creative thinking is bringing to mind and expressing interesting new and original thoughts and ideas that add value to existing knowledge and methods, through variation and innovation
Does the quality of the work environment encourage you to develop and freely express your creative ideas or is it inhibiting and repressive of creative thinking?
Are people motivated by a reaction to rewards and/or disciplines or does satisfaction come from enthusiasm and pride in work?
Is there a good, friendly and co-operative atmosphere so that even when the work itself is arduous, routine or dull, people are still cheerful and reasonably happy to be at work?
Are decisions imposed top down without consultation or are brainstorming sessions or meetings held to resolve problems with everyone contributing?
Is there encouragement to think broadly, try out new ideas, try to see things differently - or are the old ‘scripts’ reworked?