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Critical Injury and fatality management skills

Critical injury and Fatality management skills
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If you have begun to provide first aid care, when can you stop? Select all that apply
When a bystander tells you to
When someone of higher medical training than you takes over
When continuing to provide first aid endangers your life/health
When someone with equal training can take over

Do you initiate the ERP in the event of a critical injury/fatality?
It is important to isolate and control emergency situations so that no other fatalities occur and no other employees are put at risk of injury
When should you disturb the scene of the incident (Select all that apply)?
If you need to protect others from harm you may disturb the scene
As soon as the incident occurs to clean up the area
After the investigation has taken place
As soon as there are appropriate photos taken

True or false: Assist with care of others by moving everyone not necessary at the scene to a location without direct visible and acoustical contact to the scene
Which levels of WSP staff must be notified in the event of an accident?
Senior Manager
Corporate HSE Department
Joint Health and Safety Committee (if required)
Project Manager
Other crews in area

Please drag into order of process the following:
Drag your choices here to rank them
    Who would you seek help from if you experienced any form of impact from a traumatic situation: (Select all that apply)
    • Doctor
    • Spiritual/religious or professional counselor
    • Crisis Intervention Team

    True or False: A professional debriefing (Crisis Intervention Team or Doctor) is mandatory for a multi-casualty incident or any fatality. The WSP ‘Employee Assistance Provider’ has a team that could be utilized for this purpose.
    Who is the only person that can pronounce a casualty as deceased?
    Oldest person on the scene
    After a incident which events are part of the process of dealing with a workplace fatality?
    Document events
    Record witness information
    Record absentee list
    File an incident report
    Fabricate an incident and record this for practice
    Refer media to senior management
    Email the media directly with all your pictures
    Plant false evidence to determine the competency of the legal investigation
    Cooperate with the legal investigation

    After a fatality in the work place things will be off for a few days but after that there is no chance of being bothered emotionally or otherwise by the incident months down the road.
    If a worker sustains a serious injury requiring emergency transportation by medical personnel and you are within 30 minutes of the nearest medical facility you should call ____.
    If an injury occurs administer first aid; in what order would you proceed?
    Drag your choices here to rank them
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