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How long have you lived in the United States?
less than 1 year
1year or more
5 years or more
10 years or more
Where were you born? (please be as specific as possible)
What Culture/Nationality do you consider yourself?
What language(s) is spoken at home? If more than one please comment on the specific amount of usage used for both. (example 50/50)
Please list specific cultural violations that are specific to your culture and would offend you. (example, being looked in the eye, not wearing cultural garb, etc)
If you committed one of the violations listed in # 5 to a person of the same culture, how would you apologize to save face?
If you committed one of the cultural violations listed in #5 to a person of a different culture (regardless of whether or not this person considers it to be a violation) how would you apologize? Would you apologize at all?
Please give a specific example of a time when you were violated against or violated someone else and had given or received an apology. Please be specific about the violation and the repair moves used to mend the relationship.
If someone violated you and did not apologize, how would you react? What actions would you take if any?
Please explain the specific rules your culture uses for a successful apology.
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