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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
How satisfied were you with the professionalism of (name the contractor)?
1- Very Unsatisfied
2- Unsatisfied
3- Neutral
4- Satisfied
5- Very Satisfied
Did the contractor or Service Provider complete all the repairs to your satisfaction?
1- Very Unsatisfied
2- Unsatisfied
3- Neutral
4- Satisfied
5- Very Unsatisfied
* How satisfied were you with the work completed in the timeframe committed to?
1- Very unsatisfied
2- Unsatisfied
3- Neutral
4- Satisfied
5- Very Satisfied
Overall, how satisfied were you with using Nexxus Solutions Group and its contractor and service provider network?
1- Very Unsatisfied
2- Unsatisfied
3- Neutral
4- Satisfied
5- Very Satisfied
Would you use Nexxus Solutions Group and (name the contractor) if you had another claim?
1- Very Unlikely
2- Unlikely
3- Neutral
4- Likely
5- Very Likely
Please feel free to add any comments below
Thank you for your time! If you need to reach Nexxus Solutions Group in the future, please call us at 1.855.963.9987