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Dairy Calf Production Survey

Dairy Calf Production Survey
Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* What kind of territory manager are you?
* How many years of dairy experience do you have?
* How many dairies/calf ranches do you call on?
* How many of those do you have the majority of the calf vaccine business in?
Please rate the following age categories based on your management knowledge level for each. 1=least knowledge/most beneficial to learn more, 7=most current knowledge/least beneficial to learn more.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
* Maternal/gestation
* Birth to weaning
* Weaning to breeding
* Breeding to calving
Please rate the following aspects of heifer development based on your knowledge level for each. 1=least knowledge/most beneficial to learn more, 7=most current knowledge/least beneficial to learn more.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
* Environmental (housing, bedding, etc.)
* Nutrition or dietary factors
* Calf and heifer immunology
* Management influences (vaccinations, testing, disease considerations)
Please rate the following disease management topics based on your knowledge level. 1=least knowledge/most beneficial to learn more, 7=most current knowledge/least beneficial to learn more.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
* Scours
* Respiratory disease
* Clostridials
Please rate the following vaccination topics based on your knowledge level. 1=least knowledge/most beneficial to learn more, 7=most current knowledge/least beneficial to learn more.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
* Impact of maternal antibodies
* Timing of administration
* Route of administration
* Immune response to vaccines (killed vs. MLV, IN vs. SQ vs. IM)
What is your overall knowledge level of calf/heifer nutrition and management? 1=none, 5=average, 10=very knowledgeable and stay current on industry topics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* What conversations are you commonly having with customers around calf/heifer development?
* What aspects of calf and heifer development do you most need more information on?
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