Dead River_Statement_Employee

To get started, how difficult are Dead River Company’s current monthly budget statements
to read and understand?
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Neither difficult nor easy
Somewhat difficult
Very Difficult
What areas do you have the greatest difficulty understanding? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
Amount due
What my account balance is
How my account balance is calculated
The difference in charges for service versus fuel
Knowing where I’m at in terms of estimated versus delivered gallons
How many months are left in the plan/program season
What type of plan I am on
None, there are no difficulties understanding my statement

Statement 1: Please answer questions below the statement.
Now that you have seen the first statement image, how much does this customer owe for this statement? ENTER AMOUNT:
For each of the following, please indicate how well it is displayed on the statement:
Not at all clearly Somewhat unclear Neither clear nor unclear Somewhat clearly Very clearly
The payment amount due
The due date of the payment
How the credit balance was used
How the monthly budget amount is calculated
How many gallons are estimated to be delivered
The CAP price per gallon
That there’s an automatic monthly payment already established, so no additional action/payment is required
Is the information on how the monthly budget amount is calculated helpful?
Is there anything on this statement that is unclear or leaves you confused? Please explain.
Statement 2: Please answer the questions below the statement.
How difficult or easy is the graph on this statement to understand?
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Neither difficult nor easy
Somewhat difficult
Very Difficult
In your own words, what is this graph communicating?
Which of the following best describes your view on the amount of information that is
displayed on this page of the statement?
Too much information
Just the right amount of information
Not enough information
How helpful is it to have the graph displayed on this page?
Very helpful
Somewhat helpful
Only a little helpful
Not at all helpful
Is there anything on this page that is unclear or leaves you confused? Please explain.
Statement 3: Please answer the questions below the statements.
After viewing this sample, were you aware of the message that the customer was
nearing their estimated plan gallons?
Is it clear to you what this message to the customer is for, and what Dead River
Company is trying to communicate to the customer?
Please explain.
If you were this customer, what would you do, if anything based on this information?
Statement 4: Please answer the questions below the statement.
For each of the following, please indicate how well it is displayed on the statement:
Not at all clearly Somewhat unclear Neither clear nor unclear Somewhat clearly Very clearly
That this statement communicates the end of the plan year
That any remaining credit balance will be applied to the next budget/plan season
Why no payment is due, even though more gallons were delivered than what was estimated
Is there anything on this statement page that is unclear or leaves you confused? Please explain.
Statement 5: Please answer the questions below the statements.

Statement Front

Statement Back

For each of the following, please indicate how well it is displayed on the
Not at all clearly Somewhat unclear Neither clear nor unclear Somewhat clearly Very clearly
Delivery charges are covered under the plan
Service work/other charges are invoiced separately
Service work is to be paid using separate service invoice
Are the delivery, service and payment icons helpful?
In the “Account Summary” section of this statement, please indicate your
understanding of how each of the following amounts were determined:
Not at all clearly Somewhat unclear Neither clear nor unclear Somewhat clearly Very clearly
Plan charges
Other charges
Payment and credits
Total balance
What are the key differences between the Amount Due that is displayed on the front of the statement and the Total Balance on the back page of this statement? Please explain.
Is there anything on this statement page that is unclear or leaves you confused? Please explain.
Table 1

Table 2

After reviewing the two table samples above, which is easier to read and understand?
Table 1
Table 2
I have no preference
Overall, comparing the new format of the monthly budget statement to your previous Dead River Company
statements, would you say the new format is:
Improved a great deal
Improved somewhat
About the same as before
Somewhat worse
Much worse than before
Why do you say that?
If you could change one thing about the concepts you viewed today, what would it be?
Which of the following best describes your position at Dead River Company:
Senior Management
Area/Market Manager
Department Head
Other (specify)