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You are invited to participate in my survey [COMMON BIASES AND ERRORS IN DECISION MAKING]. It will take approximately [5] minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate for the purposes of the GIE881 Human Behaviour and Performance in South Africa Individual Assignment.

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Do I overestimate my performance and ability in answering a factual question in being too optimistic that my answer is correct leading to confidence bias?
At times
Please give a critically evaluated example based on your answer above:

In my decision-making, do I show anchoring bias in that I fixate on the initial information provided and do not take subsequent information into account?
At times
Please give a critically evaluated example based on your answer above:

Do I show confirmation bias i.e. selective perception and use information that support my personal views or point made and are critical towards information opposing my personal views or point made?
At times
Please give a critically evaluated example based on your answer above:

Do I have a tendency to use information that is readily available to me on which I base my judgements; hence availability bias?
At times
Please give a critically evaluated example based on your answer above:

Do I stick to the same decision that I made for the course of action to be followed even though there is clear evidence or information available indicating that it is the wrong choice or approach; hence distorting my decision-making in terms of escalation to commitment?
At times
Please give a critically evaluated example based on your answer above:

Have I shown bias through a randomness error in trying to create meaning in random events in seeing patterns that did not in fact exist?
At times
Please give a critically evaluated example based on your answer above:

Have I displayed risk-seeking behaviour in a negative outcome or risk-averse behaviour in a positive outcome where the decision I made was under stressful conditions?
At times
Please give a critically evaluated example based on your answer above:

Have I displayed hindsight bias in believing that where I received accurate feedback on an outcome, that I accurately predicted this outcome?
At times
Please give a critically evaluated example based on your answer above: