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Hello, I am currently conducting a survey to ensure I have accurate statistics regarding opinions towards digital media in terms of photos and videos. Please be honest, and answer my questions in as much depth as you possibly can. Thank you for your kindness and honesty. Enjoy!
Are you male or female?

What is your current age?
31 and above
Do you take many pictures?
How often do you post your images?
Yes (taking pictures)
No (taking pictures)
Sometimes (taking pictures)
Depends on the occasion (taking pictures)
Daily (posting images)
Weekly (posting images)
Every second day (posting images)
Monthly (posting images)
Yearly (posting images)

What type of device do you use to capture your images?
How has the ability to capture images influenced the way you live? (positive and negative)i.e Positive: increases jobs-photography, journalism, discoveries. Negative: copyright issues, privacy breech, identity theft, framing, illegal or inappropriate photography.
How do you believe this form of digital media has impacted on our society? Why? (positive or negative)i.e procrastination, taking too many photos, becoming distracted and therefore does not complete any set tasks.
Do you think that we need digital media (photos)? Or can we live without it? (explain)
Do you want digital media (photos)?
suggestions: Not necessarily, we as humans can live without digital media; we have hardcopies of things as digital media. Digital media is more efficient and it definitely makes life easier, however, if we can survive with hardcopies, why do we need to extract money to pay for technology when we don’t really need it? On the other hand, if there is suspicion towards terrorism, how can we send the news to the people in danger without digital media? (regarding the first question)
From using this form of digital media, how has it made you more aware of things?
How do you use this form of digital media (photos)?
I don’t take pictures because of the existence of hackers-identity theft (first question)
Your personal pictures could go viral because of hackers (first question)
I don’t think that digital media (photos) has enlightened or expanded my thoughts about the world in terms of danger (first question)
Tell the world what you’re doing every second at the present moment using captions such as eating breakfast, bought some clothes, birthday dinner.(second question)
Reports ( second question)

A business’ reputation can be discarded and destroyed within seconds due to digital media; however society is aware of more events within the world, and can search up videos and images of anything they wish to see. Historical buildings can be shown to the public’s eye instantaneously; conversely company buildings can be failing in terms of safety regulations. Customers can take pictures of cracks and leaks within the building and post it online. Within seconds the image would go viral and if the building soon collapses, the owner would get sued, and if lives were taken, the owner would most likely go into court. So how would you feel about digital media regarding photos and videos?
I think it is important to be notified about certain dangers which pertain perilous consequences such as death (news)
I don’t want digital media; this is because I feel that all pictures posted online are being scrutinized by prying eyes
How do you feel about strangers regardless of their age, having the right and freedom to scrutinize, view or save your photos?
I feel violated
I feel okay as long as they don’t do anything
I am strongly against it
I don’t really mind

Please continue to part 2, do not worry, there is only one more question to be answered.