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Below are a list of features that are part of the product. How important is each feature to you?
Not At All Important
2 3 4 5
Extremely Important
Feature 1
Feature 2
Feature 3
Feature 3
Feature 4
Whether or not you know about [Product], how favorable is your overall reaction?
Very good
What is it that you like most about [Product]? Please enter as many items as you wish.
What do you like least about [Product]?
Based on the product description, how interested would you be in buying this new [Product] if it were within your budget? Please check one.
Not at all interested
Not very interested
Not sure
Somewhat interested
Extremely interested
How often do you use [Product Category]?
Once a week or more often
2-3 times a month
Once a month
Every 2-3 months
2-3 times a year
Once a year or less
Do not use
How would you best describe your familiarity with a product/service like that described above?
I was not aware of such a product/service
Only generally aware
Have investigated or researched such products
Have demo'd a product like this
Have purchased or regularly use a product like this
If you are a current user, how long have you used [Product/Service]?
Under 1 month
1-6 months
6 months to 1 year
1-2 years
3 years or more
Do not currently use
How often could you find a use for this [Product/Service]?
Once a week or more often
2-3 times a month
Once a month
Every 2-3 months
2-3 times a year
Once a year
Do not use
Based on the description, how interested would you be in buying this new [Product/Service] if priced within your budget?
Not at all interested
Not very interested
Not sure
Somewhat interested
Very interested
What is it that you like most about the [Product/Service]?
What do you like least about the [Product/Service]?
If you knew that the average price of [Product/Service] was $[Enter Price], would you expect to pay more or less to buy the described product/service?
(20-30%) more
(5-10%) more
No more, no less
(5-10%) less
(20-30%) less
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