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Draft LCAP Stakeholder Feedback

2014-2015 SCUSD Annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Update
Exit Survey
Last spring, SCUSD engaged the community to determine our district’s funding and academic priorities, as a result of the state's transition to a Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Based on your feedback, locally established goals, reflective of the state's eight priority areas, are now the foundation of our school and district work for the next three years. To ensure these goals continue to represent our work and priorities, SCUSD will revisit these priorities with you annually, as outlined in our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).

Your continued participation and feedback is critical in this process and will help guide our future planning and progress. Please take the following five minutes to share your thoughts.  

Thank you,

José L. Banda
Sacramento City Unified School District
Tell us about yourself...
Male Female
Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Hispanic or Latino
African American

* Relationship with SCUSD:
Community Member
Community Partner

* Your current role in SCUSD:
Management/ Unrepresented Management Certificated Classified Other  
Is your child/children currently...
Yes No Decline to state
* An English Language Learner
* A reclassified as English Proficient (RFEP)
* A foster youth
* Receiving a free or reduced price meal
Are you currently...
Yes No Decline to state
* An English Language Learner
* A reclassified as English Proficient (RFEP)
* A foster youth
* Receiving a free or reduced price meal at school
Do you currently work with children who are...
Yes No Decline to state
* English Language Learners
* Reclassified as English Proficient (RFEP)
* Foster youth
* Receive free or reduced price meals
* Scroll and select the elementary or K - 8 school(s) you are most associated with, or select "Not Affiliated."

* Scroll and select any Middle, High, or Adult Education Schools you are most associated with, or select "Not Affiliated."

Directions: Please rate your level of agreement with the following LCAP goals and related actions, and use the comment boxes to provide your feedback on each goal and action.
LCAP Goals and Actions
LCAP Goal 1: Increase the percent of students who are on track to graduate college and career ready.
The following goals and actions should remain a high priority and focus for the district:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Goal 1. Increase the percent of students who are on track to graduate college and career ready.
Action 1.1 Provide standards-aligned curriculum, assessments and high quality instruction to prepare students to graduate college and career ready.
Action 1.2 Provide a variety of learning supports including differentiated instruction and interventions for all students as needed.
Action 1.3 Develop an infrastructure for on-going analysis of student performance and progress by providing teacher release time and collaborative learning time
Please share any feedback, concerns or suggested edits on the goal to increase the percent of students college and career ready.
Feedback on Action 1.1:
Feedback on Action 1.2:
Feedback on Action 1.3:
LCAP Goal 2: Schools will provide students with a clean, healthy, physically and emotionally safe learning environment.
The following goals and actions should remain a high priority and focus for the district:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Goal 2: Schools will provide students with a clean, healthy, physically and emotionally safe learning environment.
Action 2.1: Students will be provided cleaner, better maintained learning environments.
Action 2.1: All schools will become safer, more culturally competent environments, where students learn social and emotional skills and receive additional supports to increase their engagement in learning.
Action 2.3: Schools will provide more varied opportunities for students to become interested in school and learning through technology based activities, project based learning, extended extracurricular, and expanded learning program involvement.
Please share any feedback, concerns or suggested edits on the goal to provide students with a clean, healthy, physically and emotionally safe learning environment.
Feedback on Action 2.1:
Feedback on Action 2.2:
Feedback on Action 2.3:
LCAP Goal 3: Parents, family and community stakeholders will become more fully engaged as partners in the education of students in SCUSD.
The following goals and actions should remain a high priority and focus for the district:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Goal 3: Parents, family and community stakeholders will become more fully engaged as partners in education of students in SCUSD.
Action 3.1.: Stakeholders will have improved opportunities to participate in district/site activities that increase their skills as partners in education.
Action 3.2: Stakeholders will receive improved district and site communications, including translation/interpretation services.
Please any feedback, concerns or suggested edits on the goal for parents, family and community stakeholders to become more fully engaged as partners in the education of students in SCUSD.
Feedback on Action 3.1:
Feedback on Action 3.2:
Sacramento City Unified School District