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We want to get to know you and your style. Please help us by filling out this survey which utilizes inspirational images. These are not necessarily images that we will be using in your design board but will help us get to know you better.
* First Name : 
* Last Name : 
* Phone : 
* Email Address : 
* 1. Room Style - Choose two styles that best represent what you envision for your own space.

* 2. Color Palette - Choose your top three color palettes.

* 3. Art - Choose your top three favorites art styles.

* 4. Chairs - Choose your ideal accent chair. Disregard color and simply focus on shape/style.
* 5. Sofa - Choose your ideal sofa. Disregard color and simply focus on shape/style.
* 6. Fabric - Choose your top three favorite fabric samples. Disregard color and simply focus on pattern/style.

* 7. Lighting - Choose your ideal light fixture. Disregard color and simply focus on shape/style.
* 8. Rugs - Choose your top three favorite rugs. Disregard color and simply focus on pattern/texture.

9. Wood Finish - Pick your top choice of wood finishes.
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