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Bapak/Ibu Pegawai pada Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan di tempat,

Saya adalah pegawai pada Biro Sumber Daya Manusia Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan yang saat ini sedang menyelesaikan tugas akhir pendidikan tingkat Pasca Sarjana (S2) pada University of Birmingham. Tugas akhir saya adalah penelitian tentang layanan pegawai pada Sistem Informasi Sumber Daya Manusia (SISDM) baru yang berbasis web pada Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi dari Bapak/Ibu sekalian selaku pengguna layanan pegawai pada SISDM yang baru terhadap penggunaan layanan tersebut.
Kesuksesan dari penelitian ini akan membutuhkan partisipasi dari Bapak/Ibu sekalian dalam bentuk mengisi survei yang telah saya siapkan. Saya sangat berterima kasih apabila Bapak/Ibu sekalian dapat membantu saya untuk menyelesaikan penelitian ini. Perlu saya tekankan bahwa tidak ada paksaan kepada Bapak/Ibu untuk berpartisipasi dalam survey ini dan semua informasi yang Bapak/Ibu berikan kepada saya bersifat rahasia dan tidak bisa ditelusuri kembali. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk tujuan akademis dan survei ini sendiri saya perkirakan dapat terselesaikan dalam waktu lebih kurang 5 menit. Mohon untuk mengirimkan password yang diberikan setelah mengisi survei ini ke [email protected]. Tautan survei ini akan non-aktif dalam jangka waktu 3 hari kerja sehingga jika Bapak/Ibu ingin berpartisipasi mohon agar dapat menyelesaikan survei sebelum jangka waktu tautan berakhir.

Hormat saya,
M. Bayu Kusnandi
Jika ada pertanyaan atau komentar terkait dengan survei ini dapat menghubungi saya melalui email pada [email protected] atau pembimbing saya Daniel Wintersberger pada
Intention to Use
Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
Assuming I have access to the system, I intend to use it.
Given that I have access to the system, I predict that I would use it.
Perceived Usefulness
Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
Using the system improves my performance in my job.
Using the system in my job increases my productivity.
Using the system enhances my effectiveness in my job.
I find the system to be useful in my job.
Perceived Ease of Use
Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
My interaction with the system is clear and understandable.
Interacting with the system does not require a lot of my mental effort.
I find the system to be easy to use.
I find it easy to get the system to do what I want it to do.
Subjective Norm
Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
People who influence my behaviour think that I should use the system.
People who are important to me think that I should use the system.
Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
My use of the system is voluntary.
My supervisor does not require me to use the system.
Although it might be helpful, using the system is certainly not compulsory in my job.
Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
People in my organization who use the system have more prestige than those who do not.
People in my organization who use the system have a high profile.
Having the system is a status symbol in my organization.
Job Relevance
Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
In my job, usage of the system is important.
In my job, usage of the system is relevant.
Output Quality
Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
The quality of the output I get from the system is high.
I have no problem with the quality of the system’s output.
Result Demonstrability
Strongly disagree Moderately disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Moderately agree Strongly agree
I have no difficulty telling others about the results of using the system.
I believe I could communicate to others the consequences of using the system.
The results of using the system are apparent to me.
I would have difficulty explaining why using the system may or may not be beneficial.