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Exit Survey
The new, online Education Portal is intended to provide relevant information about good[CM1]  and innovative practice across all areas of the student learning experience at UWS.  Learning Innovation is seeking the opinions of UWS staff about the Portal to ensure it meets the needs of all users.  We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to answer this confidential six-question survey; you do not need to have used the Portal to participate.  Your input will help shape the future content of the Education Portal.

 [CM1]Add bit about resources
In your opinion, what should be the three most important topics covered by the Education Portal?
Have you visited the Education Portal?
A number of topics have already been included in the first edition of the Portal.  Which of these would be of interest to you?  (Tick all that apply)
Assessment handbook
Careers and employability
Curriculum development
ELIR information
Education Advisory Committee (EAC)
Good/effective practice examples
Institutional reports
Internal review (subject health review)
Journal articles as evidence base
Learning Innovation information
National Enhancement Themes
PSMD catalogue
Personal tutors
Plagiarism guidance
Pro-formas repository
Programme approval
Pedagogical Approaches
Quality at UWS
Quality handbook
Student partnership information
Student input via "talking heads"
Topic based podcasts
Topic based short videos

Which devices will you probably use to view the Portal? (Tick all that apply)
Desktop pc
Mobile phone

Which one device are you likely to use most often when viewing the Portal?
If you have visited the Education Portal, what is your opinion of the content there so far?  Please circle the option closest to your opinion. 
Very good
Very poor
If you answered ‘okay’ to ‘very poor’, what can be done to improve the Portal?
If you have not visited the Education Portal yet, how likely are you to use it now? 
Very likely
Very unlikely
If you answered ‘neutral’ to ‘very unlikely’, why are you considering not using the Portal?