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You are being asked to take part in a research study being conducted by Kassandra Bahr under the supervision of Dr. Steven Hess in the Department of Business Administration at CalUniversity, California. According to the research study, nurses, surgical technologists and physicians have been affected by the implementation of EPIC in surgery departments. The desired outcome of the study on the effects of electronic medical records systems in surgery departments is to gain a better understanding of the impact of technology on clinical operations. You have been approached for an online survey questionnaire because of your clinical use of EPIC technology in patient care. Purpose: The goal of this effort is to obtain data on clinical opinion about the effects of electronic health records in surgery departments. Your responses will supplement written records about research on EPIC technology. Procedures: The online survey questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. During the survey, you will be asked questions about your daily utilization of EPIC patient records in patient care, training received during the implementation of EPIC, and thoughts about EPIC software to chart patient information. Your responses will be transcribed and transformed into data for the research study. The results will be analyzed and reviewed, and recommendations will be presented to the hospital leadership team to help them realize feedback from clinicians who use EPIC in daily care of patients. Risks and Benefits: There are no known risks if you decide to participate in this research study, nor are there any costs for participating in the study. The information you provide will help me understand how charting patient information, procedures, and medication in the EPIC system affects the efficiency of operations in surgery departments. The information collected may not benefit you directly, but what I learn from this study should provide general benefits to provide recommendations to software developers on modifications improving the use of EPIC. Confidentiality: All collected data will remain anonymous. No one will be able to identify you, nor will anyone be able to determine information about you. Voluntary Participation: Your participation in this survey is voluntary. Even if you decide to participate, you may withdraw without penalty. You may also choose not to answer specific questions or discuss certain subjects during the survey. Contacts and Questions: If you have questions about this research project or interview, feel free to contact me at (937) 546-5815 or the faculty sponsor, Dr. Steven Hess, at [email protected] The CalUniversity Institutional Review Board has reviewed my request to conduct this project. If you have any concerns about your rights in this study, please contact Dr. Steven Hess of the CalUniversity IRB at (510) 931-7318 or email [email protected] Statement of Consent: I agree to participate in the survey evaluating the effects of EPIC, and to the use of my responses to generate data from the survey as described above.
Access to the patient record is quickly accomplished.
Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree
* EPIC Technology provides a complete view of the patient’s surgical history.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
* Computerized patient records provide accurate medical history.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
* Electronic scheduling is an efficient way to show open block times for cases
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
* Access to drug allergies and current medications is more efficient with EPIC.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
* Computerized medical records are a quick way to complete the patient surgical record.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
* Patient care is less hands-on with the EPIC system.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
* Computerized charting takes time away from direct patient care.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
Electronic ordering of supplies provides all necessary items to complete surgical cases.
Most of the time
About half the time
Once in a while
* The surgical cases in the OR begin on time.
Most of the time
About half the time
Once in a while
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