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Instructions: Please help us identify or describe general climate of your profession by answering the following in terms of how it really is in your profession, not how you would prefer it to be. Please be as candid as possible. We assure you that all responses will remain strictly anonymous.

Thank you for your interest in taking part of this research. 
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In the government sector:
(1) Completely False (2) Mostly False (3) Somewhat False (4) Mostly True (5) Completely True
ECQ1. The major consideration in my current organization is whatever is best for everyone.
ECQ2. People are expected to comply with the law and professional standards over and above other considerations.
ECQ3. It is very important to follow the organization’s rules and procedures.
ECQ4. In this profession, people protect their own interest above all else.
ECQ5. In this profession, people are expected to follow their own personal and moral ideals/principles or beliefs.
ECQ6. The most important concern in my current organization is the good of all the people involved as a whole.
ECQ7. The law or ethical code of the profession is the major consideration in making ethical decisions.
ECQ8. Everyone is expected to stick by the organization’s rules and procedures.
ECQ9. In this profession, people are mostly out for themselves.
ECQ10. Each person in this profession decides what is right and wrong for themselves.
(1) Completely False (2) Mostly False (3) Somewhat False (4) Mostly True (5) Completely True
ECQ11. Our major concern is always what is best for the other person.
ECQ12. In this profession, people are expected to strictly follow legal or professional standards.
ECQ13. Successful people in this profession go by the book and follow company rules.
ECQ14. There is no room for one’s own personal morals or ethics in this profession.
ECQ15. The most important concern in this profession is each person’s own sense of right and wrong.
ECQ16. In this profession, people look out for each other’s good.
ECQ17. In this profession, the first consideration is whether a decision violates any law.
ECQ18. People in this profession strictly obey the organization’s policies..
ECQ19. People are expected to do anything to further the organization’s interests, regardless of the consequences.
ECQ20. In this profession, people are guided by their own personal ethics.
(1) Completely False (2) Mostly False (3) Somewhat False (4) Mostly True (5) Completely True
ECQ21. In this profession, it is expected that you will always do what is right for the customers and the public.
ECQ22. People are concerned with the company’s interests—to the exclusion of all else.
ECQ23. The most efficient way is always the right way in this profession.
ECQ24. Work is considered substandard only when it hurts the profession’s interests.
ECQ25. In this profession, each person is expected above all to work efficiently.
ECQ26. The major responsibility of people in this profession is to control
21 - 25
26 - 30
31 - 35
36 - 40
41 - 45
46 - 50
51 - 55
56 - 60
61 - 65
65 Above
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