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Exum Stories

Collecting Exum Stories
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You are invited to share your stories with me as part of a book project I am working on about Exum and guiding. I'd also like to ask for your feedback on the Guide Training as part of my own professional development. Since I need your permission to use your responses in my book, I am asking for your name and agreement below. NOTE: You will need to complete the survey in one sitting, so please don't continue unless you're sure you'll have enough time. If you have any questions, contact me at 303-916-1171 or by email at [email protected].

Thank you very much for your time and support!
* Your name:
* Please check one:
You may use my name and other identifying characteristics along with my responses in your book project.
You may use my responses, but please keep them anonymous.
At Guides' Day, I asked you to share with a partner a time when you had a really good day guiding - when you were joyful, competent, decisive, inspiring, brave, confident, patient, enthusiastic...and the list goes on! Please share your story here (if you would prefer to share your story with me in person instead of in writing, we can arrange that - just let me know):
I also asked you at Guides' Day to come up with three ways that you could help yourself get into that good guiding groove, as well as three ways to help your fellow guides do the same. Please share as many of the things you wrote on your card as you would like:
All Guides Training Day on Thu, July 2 - I am interested in doing more of this kind of training professionally (at Exum and elsewhere). You could help me by providing specific feedback. Was it effective? Thought-provoking? Entertaining? Areas for improvement? Thanks!
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