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Please take 10 minutes to answer the questions below. Your answers will help me, and you will receive a $10 gift card to Tim Hortons!

The following questions are related to a web-based reality game in which I hosted and invited you all to play through Facebook.
* *Please note and remember that this is highly sensitive subject matter and is considered Intellectual Property owned by me. Do not discuss anything related to this game, the game played or the survey to anyone outside of our Friends group in which this game was played. With your completion and/or return of this document your are acknowledging your agreement to this request.
I have read, understand and agree to comply with the above-stated request.
I do NOT agree to agree to comply with the above-stated request. (Your survey will be terminated immediately, with no Tim Hortons gift card.)
What do you feel are the MOST important roles of the host? List up to 3.
* Most Important:
2nd Most Important:
3rd Most Important:
* How do you think the host should communicate with the players?
As often as possible
During / after important events
As little as possible
* What would you LIKE about hosting a game instead of playing in it?
* What would you DISLIKE about hosting a game instead of playing in it?
* Do you think you would you enjoy hosting a game?
I don’t know
Please rate the following:
Very Unlikely Unlikely Neutral Likely Very Likely
* How likely are you to play or not play in a game based on WHO your host is?
* If you were to host, which of the following would you prefer when it comes to sending out “challenges” to the players?
Ability to create your own challenges
Ability to draw from a bank of challenges
Ability to customize challenges from a template
* What incentives would make you want to host a game (e.g. earn points, be ranked among a community of other hosts, etc.)?
* What hosting features do you think should be automated?
Describe any special features that would make hosting better? List up to 3.
* Feature #1:
Feature #2:
Feature #3:
* If you were hosting, would you prefer to remind the players to vote, or have this feature automated?
* Which of the following TYPES of challenges did you enjoy? Select ALL that apply.
Action (i.e. you were required to do something physically, like when Kevin and Darrell raced to call my house first during the final challenge)
Search (i.e. you were required to search the web, like with the Victoria’s Secret challenges, or like having to find out my neighbour's name and phone number)
Other: Please specify

* Describe which SPECIFIC challenges you enjoyed the most. Feel free to list more than one.
* How many challenges would you prefer to play during a one week period?
* Describe your favourite challenge from the last game you played?
* Describe any challenges stood out as being “bad challenges”, if any.
* Describe any challenges that you found to be too difficult.
* Suggest a challenge that you think would be fun.
* Do you think it’s a good idea to rank or rate your challenge after the game is finished?
I don’t know
* Would you find the game to be more engaging if there were a points system in place?
I don’t know
* Would you like the option to challenge an opposing player who is also online to a real-time ‘Face-off’ challenge to collect their points?
I don’t know
Game Play:
* In your opinion, how many days should an entire game last (from start to finish)?
(enter numbers only)
* Overall, what did you like the most and about the last game you played?
* What would you change about the last game, if anything?
* What would you want to stay the same if you play again?
* What was your incentive to play the game to the end?
* What would make you want to play the game again?
* Did you ever visit the Survivor group page when there were no active challenges?
I don’t remember
* Please tell us why you did OR did not visit the Survivor group page when there were no active challenges.
* Who would you consider playing this game with in the future? Select ALL that apply.
Other: Please specify

How likely are you to recommend this game to the following groups of people:
Very Unlikely Unlikely Neutral Likely Very Likely
* Fiends
* Family
* Co-workers/colleagues
Hidden Idols / Immunities:
* How did the “hidden idols / immunities” affect the game play and your enjoyment?
* Would you like to have hidden idols / immunities again in future games?
I don’t know
* What, if anything, would you change about the process of winning hidden idols / immunities?
* How many days after an immunity challenge ends should the elimination vote take place?
(enter numbers only)
Please rate the following:
Disliked It Very Much Disliked It Neutral Liked It Liked It Very Much
* How much did you like or dislike that before each vote took place you had an opportunity to participate in a hidden idol challenge to save yourself from elimination?
* Would you suggest keeping the pre-vote hidden idol challenge in future games?
I don’t know
Intellectual Property owned by Krista Green. Do not discuss anything related to this game.
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