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Family Cruise

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Hello from your family Vacation Planner:

As Facebook is beyond my abilities, we will rely on this survey tool to determine how best to proceed with the wishes of Laura Levin for a FAMILY VACATION (for her 30th anniv.... or not) in 2016 or 2017.

As discussed at Megan's fabulous wedding, Laura suggested a cruise (much to Bruce's chagrin) for the adult members of our extended families.  We were thinking  Barry, Kev, Heather, Bruce, Lori and spouses.  We could open it up to the siblings or parents of this group also (group decision) but there are not that many of them left.  (Kay could be fun with some alcohol).

Our next step would be for each group to fill in this survey and submit it to the Vacation Planner, and he will formulate 1 or 2 options that would appeal to the entire group.  Once that information is disseminated, and considered by all parties, we will connect for a final fine-tuning of our options.

The first pass (per Laura's wishes and others) would be cruise from Florida (warm weather) for 7 days.  Cruising from Baltimore does not have great options, and New York is OK, but you have several days of cool/cold weather. And time of year considerations could be late spring/early summer (May/June) or late fall early winter (Oct-Dec). These offer the best rates and the best weather.

So enjoy the survey, fill in your comments and we will discuss in August perhaps.  (we can book a trip at any time, but if air travel is involved on Southwest, we need to wait until 6 months prior to book that part - around $220 RT/pp for air).
Would you be interested in a family (adult) vacation in 2016 or 2017?
No ( I will answer to Laura)
Yes (count me in)
Depends (I need DETAILS first)
Are you (and spouse) able to go on vacation for 7 days with advance notice?
Prefer shorter vacation
Prefer longer vacation
Please rate your interest in these options:
Cruise (7 days)
Beach (rent a house 5-7 days)
Wine country (east coast - rent house)
Wine country (west coast - rent house)
Other options - place in comments
Are you able (willing) to fly to a destination with these pricing options?
No way, no how
Yes but less than $250pp
Yes between $250-400pp
At any price just to get away
I would be available for a 5-7 day vacation the following times, with more stars for my preferred choices:
Oct-Nov 2016
early Dec 2016
May-June 2017
must travel June-Aug
I am open to any times
Destinations - please rate your preference for a cruise:
Cruise from a local port (no flying)
Cruise from Florida
Islands - I do not care which ports we stop in
Islands - I do care and I have listed my preferences in comments
Do you care which cruise line we use?
Yes No Don't care
Royal Caribbean
Other - place in comments
Cruises typically run from $600-$1,300 per person, for the week, based on types of room, ship, and other amenities.  Which $$ amount would be like us to target for just the cruise part of the trip?
Less than $600pp
I don't care, I will collect Social Security soon
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