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1 - Not Satisfied 2 3 4 5 - Very Satisfied
1. Interior appearance of the school is clean and neat?
2. Exterior appearance of the school is neat and clean?
3. Signs direct me to where I need to be without confusion?
4. Overall, how satisfied are you with the school facilities?
Office Staff/Receptionist:
1 - Not Satisfied 2 3 4 5 - Very Satisfied
1. Being greeted with courtesy and respect when I visit the school?
2. phone calls are answered in a polite and respectful manner?
3. phone call is answered promptly?
4. Overall, how satisfied are you with the office staff/receptionist?
1 - Not Satisfied 2 3 4 5 - Very Satisfied
1. Child/children's teacher treats me with courtesy and respect?
2. Questions about my child/children are answered fully?
3. Child/children's teacher is available when I have questions?
4. phone calls or emails to teacher are returned in a reasonable amount of time?
5. Overall, how satisfied are you with your child's/children's teachers?
Educational Services:
1 - Not Satisfied 2 3 4 5 - Very Satisfied
1. Child/children are learning what I expect them to?
2. Child/children are happy with their teacher(s)?
3. The principal is available to answer my questions and concerns?
4. Before and after school programs meet my child's/children's needs?
5. Child/children are treated with courtesy and respect?
6. Overall, how satisfied are you with the educational services of the school?
Religious programs:
1 - Not Satisfied 2 3 4 5 - Very Satisfied
1. Child/children are learning what I expect them to?
2. Child/children are happy with their teacher(s)?
3. The religious programs enhance our family values?
4. Child/children has a better understanding of hte Catholic faith?
5. Overall, how satisfied are you with the religious services of the school?
Technology Services:
1 - Not Satisfied 2 3 4 5 - Very Satisfied
1. There is adequate computer technology in the school?
2. Child/children are learning what I expect them to?
3. Child/children are happy with their technology teacher?
4. Computer use is a part of classroom/homework assignments?
5. Overall, how satisfied are you with the technology services of the school?
Extra-Curricular Activities / Sports programs:
1 - Not Satisfied 2 3 4 5 - Very Satisfied
1. There are sufficient extra-curricular and sports activities at the school?
2. Child/children are learning what I expect them to?
3. Child/children are happy and involved in the programs?
4. These programs meet my child's/children's needs?
5. Child/children are happy with their teacher(s)?
6. Overall, how satisfied are you with the extra-curricular/sports activities?
What do we do well at St Thomas the Apostle?
What could we do better?
If you could change one thing immediately, you would change ...
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